About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

05/04/11 could be seen as heresy - but for those who have eyes to see, it's life.

I've listened to the teaching and preaching, and talking of my religion for a long time and the focus is all about paying for sin. 
Paying for our sin was the task for sure.
But that’s not what my heart is focused on. 
It’s the love – the connection – the home that He is.
It's about abiding and I cannot quite describe it
but I am not concerned about that part of it, the sin payment.
I don’t think that was His focus when He came
He came – why? 
To set us free – why? 
To be with Him
It wasn’t just a transaction
It was about His heart
And it diminishes that love when we focus on the 'transaction' ya know?
Yes, yes, yes, my sin is forgiven – and GLORY HALLELUJAH for it!!!
But that's not even the point really
The point is that it needed to happen SO we could be with Him
So we could go home.
It's like saying “I’m going to the store to get milk”
- if you make the story about the ‘store’
or the ‘going’
or the 'getting'
you’ve missed the point
The point is that I needed the milk
We've been conjugating verbs and diagramming sentences when we needed to hear the message behind it.
The story, the meaning of the big picture.
Here we are dissecting the words looking for nuggets when there’s a mountain of gold right in front of us.
He came because of love.
He is the wild lover in a sacred wooing
He will do ANYTHING to get us back
He invaded earth to get to us
He created every possible opportunity for us to see Him.
And we have all hidden behind the veil.
Deception has almost consumed us all
But not quite.
There is a remnant who know Him still
Many are called
But few are chosen.
He told it to us in stories.
We need to listen.
Listen with our hearts.

The Word was God.
Not the letters on the page.... 
We cannot reduce Him down to the jot and title of ink on parchment.
Look at His-story.
It’s about His wild love for us.
It’s about the lengths that He is willing to go to for us to be with Him.

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