About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

07/20/09 ok I get it.

When my life seems to be overwhelming and I can only see the darkness then my mind should be directed, willfully, to the One who is light.  My prayers directed towards His goal of salvation for all, a greater cause and purpose than my own pitiful desires and goals.
Why?  Because He loves me.  I am His beloved.  He desires more for me than I could ever imagine or hope for.  And His love has saved me from my own personal and otherwise hell.
Jesus Christ is the most tangible, powerful, and ultimate expression of God’s great love.

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