All I know is that this is not the way it was supposed to be.
We live life in a kind of twilight zone of wrongness.
Uneasy and confused – without a sense of real purpose.
Painting false lives to cover our aloneness.
We are not in Eden any longer.
But we started out right......
Everything was together, matched and formed as one.
It was created to work as a unit, not one part and another part and then another part.
Symbiosis may be the closest description, or a balanced ecosystem?
There was no discord, it was a symphony of perfection.
I imagine that the trees sang just as the birds did, and all the animals communicated with mankind.
Flowers bent towards giving and loving just as naturally as a mother and child’s bond.
Grass plumping itself up to give a soft cushion for a resting doe and rabbit.
Peace ruled and the trees gave up their fruit as an offering to nourish the animals and humans.
To walk daily in the cool of the afternoon with his Father,
Communing with Him as naturally as with his wife.
He could not know what awesome honor it was.
Innocently moving about without fear or shame whatsoever.
He and his wife together enjoying the presence of the Most High God.
It’s so distant a memory in my DNA that I’d almost forgotten.
But I know that world was as it was created to be, Eden, the garden of God.
And all of creation was naked and unashamed. No fear, no shame, no death.
Planting and shepherding a joy because of the bounty of love in all the garden.
Watching the fruit of their labor with satisfaction and fulfillment.
Playing with the lion cub and swimming with the sharks without fear.
All in awe and wonder of the intricate and grand loveliness that had been lavished upon them.
It is not a surprise to me that the serpent could speak, couldn’t they all?
Were not every creature at that time able to communicate with the living images of the creator?
I wonder how long it was in this paradise of peace and beauty before he approached her?
Once a heart is tainted it does not forget.
Once question arises, suspicion grows in that fertile place, the new and innocent heart,
like a newborn baby soaking up everything around him, learning exponentially about life.
No longer pure now – having been tainted with doubt of His goodness – it begins to long for something unknown.
Something just outside of understanding.
The beauty of this perfect world dimmed now because the infection grows unabated.
And like a gangrene it kills everything in its path.
Eyes no longer able to see goodness, now focus on perceived lack.
Was this temptation endured long before acknowledged?
Was there no question brought before the Father? No.
Lambs led to slaughter by deceit and greed they were.
And the forbidden became the obsession unable to resist.
So it was that creation was undone.
And the precious balance of purity and beauty was shattered.
And the Father cried out in anguish, “What have you done?”
“What have you done?” His heart now also broken.
Raging in His anger because of the pain of separation.
Knowing that a thing will happen does not lessen the effect of it.
Experiencing the brokenness of what was once perfect,
it could not have been truly understood until it was felt.
There was an immediate consequence – disconnection – the dismantling of creation.
But with another effect as well, of the slowly growing disease now unleashed.
Over time it would eventually overtake the whole earth, bringing death to all.
For Eden is no more, and paradise is lost.
Until perhaps, our hearts once again become pure?
No wonder He had to send His Son to rescue us.
It’s not our sins that condemn us as much as it’s our broken separated hearts.
Our blinded eyes.
Our lives focused inward.
We seek paradise but we will never find it until our hearts are healed.
For that is where the connection with Him must be made.
And we all long for Eden still.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done Father.
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