About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Monday, February 13, 2012

05-28-09 So now what

So now what?  I'm trying to figure that out.
I have met the Holy Father - God Almighty.  Tracy said it, that Jesus the Christ was sent to bring us to the Father.  His mission was reconciliation. 

I have been guilty of having my focus on Jesus.  Not a bad place to focus by any means.  But when I read the New Testament letters and gospels and it is all about Christ.  All of creation is pointing to Him.  He said that if you've seen Him you've seen the Father.  I do not doubt it.

He is God, so what's the problem?  .....  I don't know. 

Somehow I need the Old Testament to really learn about the Father, to become familiar with Him and who He is.  The Trinity is God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Maybe to focus on only Christ is to miss a third of who God is.  Perhaps that is it, at least in part; that in order to know God and to function as He planned I need to be brought into His presence.  I need to be aware of His Majesty, His Power, His Holiness, His strength and every other facet of who He is.   In order to understand His plan for me and to be able to worship Him in spirit and truth I must 'see' Him and discover His person as well.

The New Testament given to reveal the secret (the untold mystery of the Old Testament) of Christ and His manifestation into the flesh was new to them who it was written for in those days.  However though the 'Law' of the Old Testament was not meant to justify but to reveal the need for justification, it is also a revelation of who God is.  It was a His-story, history, of Him and His movement in the earth, through His people.  So for me to dismiss the need for Old Testament study is absurd now to me.  And though I had not summarily dismissed it, I had focused on New Testament teachings to order my life by. 

Somehow the Old Testament has been degraded into a substandard position for me and I think other believers, especially those who like me revel in the freedom of our rebellious past.  We love casual.  God is not casual.  I think He is serious.  Not stuffy and religious, but serious.  (Big difference there) 

Coming into the presence of God the Father was so different than meeting Christ the son.  Jesus Savior, Friend, Companion, Hope of the Nations, always accessible, loving and caring has come to represent in my mind, the fullness of who God is, alone.  But He was flesh, He came as one of us, and somehow because of that - in order to relate to us - He giving up His place in heaven (albeit it only temporarily) - He became a bit 'less than' in my thinking.  So there is a subtle attitude that I have in which I do not revere Him in the same way as I do the Father.  I feel kind of 'pal-sie' with Jesus.  A less than adequate response to who He is, to be sure.  But being honest, I think a lot of us view Jesus this way.  He is familiar; therefore I have taken a casual approach in my relationship with Him much of the time.

So having the veil torn by Christ's sacrifice allows us in to the Holy of Holies, into the very presence of God Almighty.  No man may see God and live.  Something must die to be in His presence.  Christ died, but we also must die for that privilege.  To see Him and to know Him was Christ's goal, bringing us back together as it was supposed to be.  So we worship the Bridge for the sacrifice that He made, and many of us stop there, including myself.  I had been content to stay in the outer courts with only an occasional glimpse of His Majesty.  
I repent Father.

You have given Your Son for me to have the opportunity to return to fellowship with You.  For that I have never given enough weight, enough thought, enough worth.  It is huge.  It is monumental.  It is awesome. 
I had no idea that there was more.  That Jesus was the Door...  Begs the question of, "Door to what, and to where?"  Right?  But thinking now, it's a DUH!  Of course there's more.  The Door leads to the gates of heaven, the kingdom that He is building with us, the living stones.  The kingdom, a place where the Father resides, and is worshiped day and night, round the clock by all in His presence (if there would be clocks in heaven).  God is infinite and unfathomable.  I just shake my head at my own small brain.  And once again am thankful for Christ's sacrifice, not only for the fact that He redeemed me from my sins, (which is where I usually stop), but to redeem me for the purpose of His will, (which I'm having more understanding of now days), and to be reconciled to the Father (a foreign thought until recently, that will I'm sure develop into a full-blown theme in my life).   The veil was torn and we have access to the throne above.  It is a good idea for to me at least get a clue about who sits on that throne.

Well that only leaves the Holy Spirit.  I wonder how He will make Himself known to me?  I am hoping that I don't have one of those - get swept out to sea and put into the belly of a whale - type experience before I give in to His direction for me.  I hope that I am open to the leading of the Holy Spirit enough to follow when I am told to follow, and do what I am directed to do, that my ears are ears that hear His voice and that I obey it.

Always one to try to categorize according to my own minute way of thinking:
Christ: flesh - touch - taste (communion).....
God the Father: on high - see - hear......
Can one smell the Holy Spirit?????

Ok that's just silly, I know.

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