About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Monday, February 13, 2012

06-16-09 Your Word says that You love me

My heart cries out to you oh LORD Almighty. 
I have never been good enough and still feel so unworthy.
But Your Word says that You love me and I dare to take You on Your Word.
I wish I could just turn off the feelings though because they are so deceptive. 
I am learning how to live on the promise rather than the feelings.
My heart hurts though my God. 
I am lonely and feel so forsaken. 
I wish I could conquer the feelings too.

I am doing my best to live for You, to take care of this temple, restore it to Your intended state. 
Worship You with this service so that I can be a testimony of Your loving kindness and mercy. 
I desire to show how much You love and how much grace you have given to such as I. 
I know who I am and what I have lived like for my whole life. 
I know how unworthy I am of Your love. 
Yet I believe as Your Word tells me that I am loved beyond measure. 

I want to do what I can to honor You and worship You with all my heart soul mind and spirit.
I am so thankful for Your hand in my life and how much You have made Yourself known to me.
Oh LORD make me a praise to You, make my life a living testament to
Your power love grace and mercy.  Let Your light shine through my life. 
Let Your name be raised up on account of the testimony of my life. 
Make Your Name great and let others see You when they see me. 

Magnify Your presence through me Lord.
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. 
May I let Your lamp shine forth, by going where You direct my feet,
lead me on the paths of Your desire that I can exalt You in the nations.  
Oh God, my God, You are above all and Your power and might have never been seen by our eyes. 

Your nature is love and justice and we are a shameful people that do not honor You.
Let us walk in that love and in that justice for Your namesake.
Let us call out to You for Your wisdom and Oh Lord allow us
to know You so well that we reside in it.
Keep us in Your heart of hearts so that we do not put You to shame.

I love You my precious Savior.
Holy Spirit You are my ever present help in times of trouble and I adore You.
Father God You are my rock and fortress and I build my life
upon Your Name that is more sure than any earthly ground.

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