About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Good morning.
I'm broken and humbled, over and over.
Sometimes I feel like a dog with a muzzle on a tight leash.
Gee whiz Lord!
I gotta laugh out loud at Him and how he handles me.
It is glorious and of course, perfectly as is needed.
You said to forget the past.  I understand that you were talking about forgettingin terms of how it might control my 'now'.

But I can not forget the past, I am not supposed to forget it. I must keep those lessons and allow Him to help me remember what He has taught me from my mistakes and my from the victories.

I do remember it, I just don't live there any more.
He heals the wounds but leaves the scars.  Those are for His purposes, whatever 
He has for me, I keep His lessons close to my heart so as to keep myself humble, loving of others and walking deeply depending on Him knowing how much I can fail.
This is not fear, or wallowing.  This is abiding and allowing what I have
been to be used by Him.

This testimony is what I bring to His feet as a sacrifice.  All of my life, good and bad, sins and victories,  all for His purpose, for His glory and for His 
people to know and understand His love more deeply.
That I have been forgiven for so much has made my love for Him so much greater.
That He desires for His people to know that love as deeply as possible is my 
Though I can not identify with those who have not lived as I have, there are a 
vast number of people in His church who are locked into believing that they are 
not worthy.   It is difficult to feel worthy even in light of understanding that they are forgiven, but knowing that there is salvation is a long way from 
understand the full forgiveness that He has given us.  This is His message 
through me to them - you are good enough because Jesus really loves you, all of 
you, just as you are.  This was His  message to me.  His love, His great love for me, regardless of who I was/am.
 That He purchased me with His blood and paid for my sin - is sometimes such an 
abstract concept for many.  It does not always impact where we live right now.  
Because of this, and because there are people like me that need to understand how He abolished those sins, theirs and my past, and blotted out the distance 
between them/me and God - I give myself; to be transparent for them so that He 
can love them through me, identified with my life, and seeing how He has given 
His love so freely to me.  If I, even I, am 'good enough' for God to love me so 
much, then surely He can love them.  His love is bigger than anything that I have ever done, ever been, and ever could be.
Then there is room for understanding that it is not my being 'good enough'
that was the point, but that His love - the Father's love for Him - was the 
impetus for this great salvation.  We being purchased by Christ are being 
transformed and given to Him as a gift of love from the Father to be
His bride.  We are being remade into that great love.

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