The ages of a woman’s beauty, perhaps as it was meant to be.
0-20 bright yellows, pinks, greens, and sky blues
In the springtime is birth, new life, a beginning.
The bud of faith hope and love are born.
All things are new and a full life lies ahead.
It is a time to build and grow and reach for tomorrow.
Beauty is begun in prettiness, skipping towards the future
As a shy innocent pure creation adorned with laughter
20-40 oranges, purples, deep azure blue, and cherry red hues
In summer there is full bloom, life is passion
Faith hope and love are now known
This is her life as it was meant to be
Beauty in its zenith, full and wonderful and wild in whimsy
Walking with confidence and assurance of purpose
A realization of what she is designed for
40-60 auburns, golden yellows, deep reds and rich browns
In autumn comes a calming, passion subdued
Faith hope and love are the way
A full knowing and living with ease
Walking in the strength of understanding
Beauty is that of peace and settled-ness
A quiet assurance in the role given and being lived
60-80 soft faint blues, subtle soft browns, hazy grays, and pure white
In winter is the quiet, passion deep and undergirding
Faith hope and love fully lived with conviction and honor
Strength waning yet replaced with great wisdom
Walking slowly to savor each moment of life so precious
Beauty is depth of the soul shining through eyes of understanding
A solid joy of a full life lived without regret
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