About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

11/30/11 what if?

Read me if you dare...... 

It’s more than just belief and acknowledgement
More than hope or dream
Knowing is not the same in terms
of mental capacity or reason

But if you want to understand then try
connection or intimacy
Relationship with the God who is love
Was never meant to be afar. Not at all.

Not partitioned off from the rest of me
It’s an all consuming passion to be with Him
Known and know, connected
At the deepest level of my being

When lovers come together there’s an ecstasy
that takes them from themselves into the other.
Other worldly intense connection and adoration
all senses on overload like an out of body experience.

The focus of passion and delight
Moments – eternity seemingly – when nothing else matters
That’s it,  that’s the way it’s meant to be
With me and my creator.  Worship.

More than creator, more than master
Not simply shepherd, nor even teacher or friend
And greater than brother or parent/child
He is Lover, consummate connection to Eternity

And guess what?  He said it Himself.

My friend said that heaven must be like a constant orgasm.  It delighted me to even think of such a notion. 
A part of me rebelled at the thought.  How naughty to involve God Almighty in such a base thing as reproductive activity. 
How indeed I wonder.  Since it was His idea to make it pleasurable in the first place. 
But what if.  What if this too is a hint, a picture, a taste of how it is to be with Him? 
I think so.  To be carried away from myself into Him is more than I can conceive of as bliss. 
What might Christianity be like if we all took off our prudish mental clothing in our desperately hiding hearts to see that that is exactly what He wants with us. 
Not physical sex, but heart connection to the point of melting into one another. 
The deepest connection available to us here and now is but a glimpse of what will be when in His presence. 
A fierce explosion of pleasure and pain of exposure and wonder of His person and awe of the depth of His love, all at once. 
How close she was to it I wonder? 
That face to face is more than imagination can conjure – is such an understatement. 

I’m so glad to be free of religion and Pharisaical legalism and released into the freedom of who He really is and what He really desires of me.
Who could do aught but say a resounding YES to this wild fierce pursuing God that loves me more than life itself.
What glory awaits me in eternity with Him?
Am I in love with my God. 
Absolutely and absolutely unashamedly.

What if, indeed.

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