I’m not enough
awwww that is the lie
that is the enemy's lie
that is our deepest wound
let the tears come and the grief of what has been a life lived with that lie
we've lived believing that
well, your heart matters to Jesus
there is much grief for me over what could have been if only I knew, if only I had believed
I am still trying to get it - but I know it is truth
yes ... baby steps it feels like but I KNOW it's leaps and bounds because it's coming all at once every day
and I think that part of having it become more and more real is the sharing with others and seeing how it changes their lives
and the desire that He placed within my heart to love others, give them truth and see them set free
if there were no freedom I could never have that desire
it would be so cruel
and He is not cruel
it is truth
despite how I have felt
despite how the lies have had their hooks in me
despite my difficulty to fully embrace it
it is truth
freedom is living in His love for me and believing it is good, He is good, and it is me that He wants
and yes, tears
of joy and grief
and wonder
and amazement
and awe
how could I be loved like this?
it is - or has - not been a rhetorical question
it has been the core of my heart
am I loved
am I worthy of being loved
and I’ve always believed the answer was no
the lie
which - if we understand Him - we know now that this lie is the deepest wound to His heart
it says that He is not good
and that His motives are not good
and it is so untrue
that is the separation
that is the wound that mars all of our souls, the original sin, "is not God holding out on you?"
the question to Eve, and her accepting the idea that He was not everything He is
and ever since God has been suspect
in all of our hearts
His heart has been on trial all these years
how it has hurt Him
I cannot imagine
Oh please see my love for you, He says I will do anything to have you love me.
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