About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

02/24/11 God is a people person.

It’s all about Relationships.
Love is the motivator for us to give ourselves in service.  It’s knowing (intimate awareness and connection, not just having the facts) the love of God for us that gives us a natural reaction of loving Him back, and that gives us the desire to express that love.  We cannot truly love without expressing it.  Loving God compels us to love one another and serve one another.  Loving God compels us to seek to be more and more intimate with Him.  The more we know Him the more we want to connect with Him.  The more intimate we are with Him the more we find ourselves loved, and the more we desire to love Him back. 

Being ‘obedient’ to God, actually means to take off the masks and be who He made us to be, function as He designed us to function, love in the way that only we can love.  It’s not about striving to follow all the rules.  No one can do that.  Our lives as Christ followers are intended to make us more like Him.  We all have a facet or facets of who He is built into us, His fingerprint on our lives.  Those facets are what we are intended to portray, to live out, in order to glorify Him.  Not that we toss out all the rules, but that we aim for loving God rather than trying to be good enough.  And that shift brings us to clarity and peace and a genuineness that allows Him to shine through our lives.  Living this truth displays His love.  It glorifies Him.  It draws us into a closer relationship with Him and a better understanding of His love.  All of this in turn builds up and grows our love for Him.

The expression of this love is in service to others, but not just any service.  Serving one another in Godly love means to be who God created us to be.  We already are exactly who He meant for us to be at any given moment of our lives.  If we function as He designed us we are loving Him, and it is service to Him, and it glorifies Him. 

Each of us has a unique DNA which our Father designed for only one person.  In this DNA is the tapestry of our lives where He has woven His fingerprint in us which – when expressed – glorifies Him.  The way we express our love for Him is to be ourselves and to be the way He created us to be.  Every bit of our lives has been designed by Him to make us who we are, so that we can love Him in our own unique way, and that is expressed just by being who He made us to be.  The most wonderful thing is that we do not even know that we are loving Him, glorifying Him, as we go about being who we are.
{I offer a different meaning for the acronym DNA = Deity & Nurture & Associations. 
Deity = God breathed life into us and created us in His image. 
Nurture = the family we were born into that is the foundation of our personality. 
Associations = the sum total of our history with people and how they have impacted us. (including Adam and the sin nature we inherited from him)}

When we belong to God His Spirit that lives within us perfects the ‘gifts’ that He has created in us, as part of us.  Our natural inclinations, talents, enjoyments, the way we think, how we do things, our desires hopes and dreams, all are unique and exactly how He designed us to be, in order to praise Him.  It is not difficult to do what He designed us to do.  It is the essence of who we are coming out that is what He desires us to be.  We’re not supposed to try and become – anything.  We are supposed to be who He created us to be, and in so doing we glorify Him, bless others, and demonstrate His love to the world.
[this is not speaking to the evil desires that come with the sin nature we all bare, but the person that we were intended to be]

Sometimes our desires change over time and as we grow closer to Him.  The longings of our hearts become the exact things that He knew would give us the most blessing, and that would bring us to function as He desires.  There is no striving in this, no reaching, no struggle.  The obedience is in setting aside the notions that we must do this or that in order to be ‘good enough’ to ‘earn’ His love. 
He has placed His Spirit within us to lead us into the right paths.  If we stop trying, stop working at ‘becoming’, stop spending all of our energy to be ‘good’, and listen to the Holy Spirit – He will lead us guide us and give us the strength to let go of all that striving.  He leads us into relaxing and being what He meant for us to be. 

Everyone is insecure.
Everyone wants to be loved and accepted.
God loves us and accepts us just how we are.
Nothing can ever be done to be more loved by God, and nothing to be less loved by Him.
His love for us is and has been and always will be constantly the fullest possible.
We don’t have to work to change who we are in order to meet any standard so that He will love us, or love us more. 
Jesus did that for us = we get to be seen as Him.  He is the standard, and our Father loved us enough to give that to us because we’d never measure up on our own.
So when our Father looks at us he sees Christ in us.  What this means is that we do not have to ‘act’ or ‘fake’ or strive to be anything other than who we were created to be.
And the great news is that we are.  We are in this moment just where He intended us to be.  Nothing has taken Him by surprise in our lives.  He never lost control.  Everything in our past was purposeful in each of our lives, as part of His design for who we are.  What Satin meant for evil God has used for good.  He uses it to mold us into His image.  Note that He does the molding, not us.  Our only responsibility is to love Him and one another. 

The way we love Him is to function as He designed us to function, serve others as we have been gifted, and keep our hearts as close to Him as we can.
It is in desiring and seeking to be more and more intimate with Him, learning more about Him, being who we are as He made us, and loving one another how He has uniquely designed us to love.
It’s not about the rules, it’s about relationship.  Put your hand to what you have before you.  You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment.

Take off the mask, be who He made you to be, love in your own unique way to His glory, and in this way chase after Him and draw close to the Lover Creator God who knows your name. 

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