About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

02/02/11 subtle changes

Human DNA has our lives encoded within it. 
Amid a myriad of mapping and traits there’s a basic drive built into our essence.
Men (boys?) need an adventure. 
Women need security I believe. 

In my life security has been elusive.
I’ve lived and done what was necessary for survival.
I’ve tried to contribute.
I’ve persevered.
Now that my ‘job’ is done and I’m free from the ‘being the mom’ focus...
What is it that I’m still here for again?? 
Funny that all of the notions of purpose and calling seem to be tied up in the helping and completing of another’s divine vision.
Ok nothing wrong with that – on face value.

In pursuit of security.
Nonchalantly eyeing every possible potential form that comes on the radar screen.
And it’s radar that has been upgraded and fine tuned to catch even the most minute movement out there.
Am I the only one that’s lived like this?
Of course not.

Vacillating between pleading with God and pity parties and reaching for potentials – life has been quite the roller coaster ride of emotional pitfalls.
Introspection is all well and good but can someone unstick my eyes from this self focused microscope and tilt my head upwards please?
Enough already.

I’ve uncovered and focused on my desires.  I’ve jumped in and done the research and self examination and listed and categorized and arranged and questioned and sought.
What was that scripture again?  Yes if I seek God I will be given the desires of my heart.  Capturing the promise without contemplating the condition is foolhardy.
And yet even there it was not (in my own mind) a goal – to get my desires – necessarily.  I didn’t see it that way.  I was in pursuit of God, but I was hung up at a crossroads.
What has He asked of me?  How can I serve Him and be the woman He created me to be? 
All I could see was myself being a wife.  Nothing else came into focus besides helping my mate do his calling, filling in where he was lacking, and serving him as a Godly woman.
What else are all these gifts for?  All the training?
What’s wrong with that goal/desire?

I wasn’t blatently making that a god..  was I?
One must get to the end of themselves in order to see God in action sometimes.
Being broken is often necessary for those of us who have much, are very strong, and/or have lived in the trenches.  (I know, does not sound fair does it?  But then who said fair was part of the equasion?)
Much given = much required..  right.
I give.
Uncle already.
I’m tired of being tired.
I’m sick of struggling with myself and getting nowhere.
How many times have I said that?
I gotta get off this merry-go-round.

And then it came at me from the other side.
And I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Recalling the objects of my speculations of the past.
ugh again!
Wondering if they felt the same way?

A subtle tectonic shift in perspective has occurred. 
Not something that necessarily shows on the surface, nor can it be verbalized accurately. 
I wonder how I can put my finger on it even.
Where are all my eggs?

And, once again, I see that at the end of me, there is still God. 
Not as I want Him to be, but as He is. (well a more accurate viewpoint from my limited vantage)
That’s a hard statement.
But oddly comforting.
It’s nice that there is a bigger than me God who is in charge.

Tossing the list.
Throwing in the towel.
Sitting quietly waiting for instructions.
Turning off the radar.
Shutting down the research center.
Not in a manipulative angled move.
Not an attempt to ‘work’ God’s system.
(not consciously anyway, and hopefully not subconsciously either)
Please Lord can this be the last time on this particular ride?
I’m getting dizzy and I’d like to move forward if I could.....
ugh again...  there’s that ugly “I” splattered all over the place.

The weight of ‘husband’ needing has lessened considerably.
I hope it lasts.
The weight of God needing has increased – hopefully considerately.
But as I said, subtle tectonic shift.  Not visible from the surface necessarily.

This generation has nothing on me for navel gazing baby.
I’ve worked my way up to the electron microscope.
Now lets see if I can capture a more global view – say eternity?
Sounds like a reasonable goal to strive for.
Nothing subtle about me now, is there...

Time to climb up out of this ditch I’ve been digging.

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