About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

01/06/11 reality check - assessment. yawn

Wow is this ever a true statement for me...

It’s so much easier to declare a grand resolution than do the steadfast daily marching needed to cross the finish line.

I’m not sure if I like it or not but I know it’s true.  The funny thing is that my whole being rises up and rebels against making a declaration or even making an attempt to march daily if the conviction is not there – because I’d rather be bad than untruthful.  Does that make ANY sense?  Or is that the rebellious nature just rearing it’s ugly head again in me?  
It’s like where I am right now.  Playing this stupid game with a bunch of people from all over creation fighting with imaginary soldiers against someone else’s imaginary soldiers, taking their imaginary castles, and/or resources, or defending my own.  All the while not being truly interested in the castle or resource, as much as I am in the relationships with these people.  Of course there is the time and money and effort put into building said castle/resource that becomes valuable in itself. 
There’s a lot of people in this little computer game that are important to me simply because I’ve spent so much time with them.
In the mean time my life suffers.  I don’t want to do anything else.  My house is a mess.  I do not exercise any more.  My animals get no attention.  I have few if any friends, of whom get very little of my time.
My job suffers, concentration and commitment is diminished exponentially as time goes on playing the game.  To say that I am an addict is accurate. 
But what am I addicted to? 
If there is any question in my mind as to the worthiness of time spent in Evony, it is that those souls are almost all lost lonely people looking for a sense of value that they cannot find elsewhere.  At least it seems that way to me.  (and yes I am feeling much to my disapproval the same way)  so am I deluding myself thinking that I can somehow be ‘light’ to any of these people?  Or is that just an excuse to keep it up because I do not feel useful anywhere else?  idk
There’s a problem in being so devoted to it that everything else in my life suffers.
And I don’t want to work.  I don’t want to sing.  I don’t want to go anywhere.  I don’t even want to sleep.  I just want to play with these people, who are crass and worldly and sad, as much as I can.
So there it is.
I almost feel like I’m daring God to change things.
I almost feel like I’m turning my back on Him in a slow motion tantrum because He’s dragging His feet to answer my pleas for my heart’s desire.
Yeah, I blame Him.  I look at myself and it seems I’ve aged 10 years over the past 2 that I’ve been playing this game. 
Losing weight has not helped.  Wrinkles are showing up where pockets of fat were previously.  Skin hangs and there are sagging parts now that used to be firm.  It is highly unattractive to me.
So I honestly wonder if ANYONE – much less THE ONE – would be remotely attracted to me.  My age is weighing me down as well.  I’m beginning to feel as though I am old.  This is new for me.
Perhaps the quazi isolation I’ve imposed on myself has forced me to take a more accurate inventory.
I want a Viking but what I see is a self obsessed lazy fool staring back at me from the mirror.....
There is NO way any Viking worth his salt that would be interested.  Still my standards and tastes do not change.
And right at the moment I’d settle.  Yes I said it.  I’d settle for someone that cares about me.  Anyone that would care about me. 
So I figure it’s actually dangerous for me to even venture outside of this cocoon I’ve created in my room.
I don’t even want to go into my living room!  How sad is that?  And yet it’s honest.
I have no interest in reading, praying, socializing (outside of the game) at all.
I have to FORCE myself to go to work!
And once here, I do little if any of the things I’m supposed to be doing.
The quality of my work is getting poorer as well.
And I just don’t care.
I do not want to be here.
I do not want to be anywhere – truth be told.
But the alternative is far worse, so I continue.
In the back of my mind is a thought that God is allowing me to bury myself.
Yes I know He has plans for me.
I know He has a future for me that is to prosper me and not harm me.
I just don’t know what it is and atm don’t really care.
I’m kind of just trying to use up time here.
Lets get on with it, whatever it is Lord.  You are in control.  I give.
But I have no energy to resume living and certainly none to conger up any joy.
No earth shattering revelations today folks.
Just a bit of a reality check.
And my assesment?  yawn
A nap would be nice.

It does not help that I’m getting contacts, hopefully, that I can see with – and so far none are working correctly. 
Another price I’m paying for the vanity of having lasic eye surgery.  It seems the vanity gods are vengeful after all.
Oh well.  I suppose I deserve this as well.
It’s frustrating not being able to see clearly.
But only to the extent that it messes up my ability to see my computer, and play the game, you understand.
I don’t really care if I can see anything else or not.

There you have it.
Apathy gone to seed.
Passion for life has been sucked out of me.
It feels as thought there have been way too many battles, and not nearly enough reinforcements sent for aid.
Oh yes – did I mention that I’m also spending money that I don’t have for it?
Of course.  Never to leave any potential torture out of the equasion, this addiction effects my finances as well.

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