About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

11/05/10 WOW

And when Christ said to Saul “Why do you persecute Me?”  ........
I heard it differently just now.
Christ the risen Lord of Glory speaking to Saul/Paul from Heaven asking why He is being persecuted.... 
He is in heaven...  who’s being persecuted? 
It’s His bride, who is ONE WITH HIM. 
We are not separate!!!  It’s like marriage, we are one. 
It just hit me – the oneness of us, me, the ‘body’, the church, is one with Christ. 
He takes our blows.  
He feels our wounds. 
He is joined to us, inseparably. 
The pain we feel, the suffering we endure, we are not alone in that – He is feeling it ever as much with us. 
Our cares and the weight we carry He knows every whittle of. 
No wonder He said for us to bring them to Him!  He knows the burden we carry. 
OMG we can lean into Him and He does not move. 
We can relinquish the pain and the burden and the care to Him, just as we would give it over to our mate (husband) to take care of. 
How beautiful! 
Again the picture that marriage was created to paint for us to see Him as He is for us... 


He runs after me in hot pursuit
Why oh why do I go the other way?
Silly stupid deluded me
I have sought the pig slop and turned away from the fillet mignon.
The banquet table is set and I’m the bride
Holy cow – I must delve further into this love.

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