About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

07/24/09 Gracie is gone now.

My beloved little doxy Gracie - best most devoted and trusted friend I ever had ....

All week, all month, or more? I’ve been being stripped of all my support systems and feeling more and more out there ‘alone’ though I am very aware that Christ is with me and the Spirit residing within.  It has been a difficult time because my dad’s passing seemes to have started a cascade of events that has led me to this seemingly complete ‘aloneness’.  (other than my friend Tracy)

My dad (my adoptive step dad) was always on my side.  He was my go to man when I needed someone to lean on.  The thing is, that he was also one of the people that abused me as a young girl.  That’s probably a difficult thing to reconcile for a lot of people, not that it is general knowledge.  But for my part, because of Christ Jesus my heart has the ability to love and forgive and lay aside what would have been a festering wound the rest of my whole life if I had not.  He was human and made mistakes but he became a brother in the Lord and he made every effort to live accordingly especially these past years when they lived out here in this area.  That whole situation was one reason that I had made a conscious decision to life far away from my family though when they were young. 

My mother, the victim of her own father’s sexual abuse has never been a nurturing mother to me.  She was and still is incapable of giving or receiving love.  She does not know how and refuses to discuss it other than the one time, when she came home from the hospital that day and stood in my house looking around.  She said “Jeanne, I don’t know you” and that I think was one of the first and only honest things that I have ever heard from her.  She is so damaged that she is not willing to be real with anyone.  I have known about this for years and have given her great latitude because of it in terms of my expectations for our relationship.  So when you ask about her, I have a difficult time trying to say in normal conversation that she is fine, for who and where she is.  Her dad abused her from infancy up into her teens.  I am actually amazed that she is at all sane.  He was also my abuser but fortunately I had a lot less frequent exposure to him because usually we only visited there on our summer vacation.  And he died when I was about 9 or 10.

My older brother I have suspected of also being one of his victims because of his twisted sexually predatory behavior.  I got the brunt of that  perversion from my brother also as a young girl and I was not the only one because now he is a convicted felon.  He is on wife # 6 or 7 - I have lost count. I have forgiven him, but have realized even more so lately that to be near him is detrimental to my wellbeing since he sees no fault in himself and sees no reason to ask for or seek forgiveness, or to change.  

For some reason my younger brother seems to have been spared from any of this sexually perverted family history.  At least in the sense that he does not exhibit any signs of having been molested and he has had a stable married relationship for about 25 years or more. 

You may be wondering why I am airing my families dirty laundry to you.  My answer is that it is because I wanted to explain (not excuse) my actions when I was young.  I was very angry and rebellious and hurt and yet trying to establish my own independence which was poorly demonstrated in my lack of sexual discretion.  I was so very angry because of the hurt I had suffered from the men in my life that I lashed out at all men, by promiscuous sexual activity which was damaging to myself but also to those that I was with.  It is a cop out for me to simply blame it on the times and place that I lived in, or on my family or history.  I had a choice and I made a poor one.  It did not occur to me until today that anyone back then might have actually cared about me.  It did not occur to me that I might have hurt anyone.  I was so wrapped up in myself that I never stopped to think about anyone else but me.  I hated myself, did not believe that I was worthy of being cared about and thought that all I was good for was being used that way. 

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