Jesus came to
be the bridge, the way to the Father.
So He came to
bring us to the Father.....
Why is He
bringing us to the Father?
I’m glad you
He is
bringing us to the Father to present us as His bride.
He is
presenting us – we who are His betrothed – to His Father!
I can just
hear Him now.....
“Daddy, here
then, is my fiancee, my love, my bride.
She is
everything I have ever desired; pure, beautiful, faithful, desirable, and
wholly dedicated only to me.
I have sought
her, purchased her, and won her.
I love her
with all that I Am.
Here is Your
new daughter, my wife!
Father, bless
this union.”
Jesus’ love
was the reason for His own sacrifice, the fulfillment of His promise to His
Father, and the recipient of the gift He purchased, the mystery of His coming:
the church-bride His secret love now revealed.
I finally
caught the picture. I HAVE a Husband, I
AM a bride! Oh my soul, my heart, my joy
I am
betrothed! I am claimed! I am taken!
Oh the joy of
my impending union with the Lover of my soul!!!
Oh how my
heart bursts with His love!
His favor,
His passion, His generosity, His support, His covering, His honor, His
protection, His desire!
Oh how He
loves me
Oh the
drawing of my heart to Him
Let me always
seek to know Him more and more, united with His heart, together as one
He left
heaven to be mine!
He left the
Father in search of me.
Through time
and eternity racing to have me as His own.
His joy to
find me overcame all cost and any obstacle that might keep me from Him
He ransomed
me with His very life’s blood
He purchased
me from darkness in pain and sorrow and suffering
He took my
punishment because of this desperate love and desire to be united with me
His passion
to have me as His own drove Him to the shame of the cross
and gladly He
offered Himself up for me
Behold my
Husband, my King, My lover, my Saviour, my Heart, my Deepest Desire, my Lord!
This marriage
never to be void of love, never to be broken, binding throughout eternity in
joyful blissful wedlock
Yes Lord I
love You
I am Yours
My heart and
all of me
Oh I have
found my Love!
I am a bride
I am desired
I am wooed
and won
I am the long
sought and fought for precious treasure of His heart
I am why He
gave all – the expression of His love for me
Oh how He
loves me
How I long to
know Him and to be known.
Oh my Lord
let me live in You, in this Love, in this knowing You
Let my
passion forever be towards You - not a
flickering flame but a bonfire burning high above to the heavens
Let me be in
constant awareness of Your presence within me - not a shadow of what will be
but a tangible union locked together always
Let my heart
burst - racing in its labor to match Your driving love towards me
Oh my Lord
Oh my Joy
Oh my Lover
My Husband
There is no
other but You Jesus.
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