About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

01/21/11 in contemplation of the awe of who He is - fruit that comes out of the winter of souls, and that pruning, perhaps

This past week I came to the end of myself.
The circumstances and details are inconsequential.
Suffice it to say that I was in trouble.
I was at the point where I almost had nothing left to cry out for help.
Almost – but did I really even have that much left?  I don’t know.

All my life I’ve been strong.  I never liked it.
It’s good that I am – it has been needful, strength.
But my heart has always longed for the rest of being taken care of by another.
It longs to know that I do not have to carry it all myself, alone.
It longs to be able to lean on someone and know that they will not bend.
God, are You still there?

To find the end of my strength and my will has meant pushing boundaries to the limit.
Coming to the edge of the cliff, toes hanging over, unstable soil, strong wind blowing, limit:
where I know that I have absolutely nothing left within myself to change things, or to fix it.
And it seems that that is the only place for me to realize that whatever happens is not of my own doing.
Teetering there at the crossroads, nothing left in me to hold on with, God showed up.  Again.
Not that I was alone on the way there.  I wasn’t.
It felt alone.  But I was not.  He is true to His word.  He never leaves or forsakes.
But the knowing of that fact – for me – comes only when I’ve spent all of my own resources and have nothing left.
Up until that point it is a theological faith that is somewhere between hope and fantasy.  Unproven.  Only theoretical.

Sometimes one can look back over the years of their life and see that they have been here as well.
Often as I think about those times when He stepped in to save me I find that I’m not convinced.
It seems that I talk myself into thinking that I’d somehow held something back, and that really it was just me in the end who figured it out.
In that way I’ve kept some of the credit for myself, believing that I’d have figured it out as I always had; in my own strength.
What folly.

Strength is a blessing and a curse.  Deceitful thinking is what it has produced in me.
Making me aware at this point, that I have robbed my Lord of glory rightfully His.
And yet I know it was needful, as I said, strength.
I have had to trek through the muddy quagmire of life on my own for the most part.
I’ve been tossed about by situations and have simply been reactive as a result.
I often wonder how someone could be so deluded as to think that they are truly capable of directing life on their own.
Of course the choices we make determine the outcome of most situations.
But thinking globally there is no such thing as control.

Anyway yes.  God stepped in to save me from myself – again. 
I don’t know if it was in the ‘nick of time’ as they say, but it was absolutely timely.
And the thing I realize this day is that it was needful for me to get to the end of myself in order to truly recognize that it was Him and nothing else that came to save me.
So I am really getting it, the whole ‘in my weakness He is strong’ thing. 
That has multifaceted applications obviously, but in the purest sense, my weakness – knowing I had nothing else left – afforded me the opportunity to see my Father in a way I had not seen Him before. 
Or at least had not acknowledged Him honestly up until now.

I pray that this is not a lesson that I must repeat again and again in order for it to be cemented in me.
I’m yielded to His will to submit to it if I need to though.
Can’t say I would run headlong into any situation to prove it – not on purpose anyway.
Laughing. Some people like to live there where it’s dangerous.  Push the limits.
I can understand that now.  It’s not really for the thrill is it.  It’s the testing.
It’s asking the question, ‘will someone save me’, ‘am I really loved’, ‘do I matter’.
These are questions we all need answered.  We long to have them answered.
And right now I cannot grasp the enormity of the knowledge that the answer is ‘yes’ to all of the above.
Proven or not, that’s the answer.  Felt or not.  Understood or not.  Believed or not.
The heart of God is love that defies our capacity to fathom. 
Nothing in any of our experiences can paint that picture.
Yet He reaches out to show us – draw us – demonstrate to us, just that.

And I put words to paper (albeit virtually) that are in the end meaningless.
An attempt to mark another place in time where I can document and remember His hand at work.
Poor representation it is, but still a precious tidbit to be stored away in the ever growing stockpile of notes about who He is.
That’s a totally un-fillable thing, a bottomless bucket, which blows my mind sometimes.  And rightfully so.

Oh God, my God.  Worthy is Your Name, above all names, to be praised.
I humbly offer my heart of thanksgiving to You.
And I do not even deserve the right to do so, but for Your forever compassion.
The calmness in my spirit testifies to Your grace and mercy.
I know what I am.
I know what I deserve.
And I’m on my face before You unable to look at Your beauty and majesty.
Because You are.
Beyond the furthest stretch of my imagination Your love overshadows all that I know or could ever dream up.
And I wonder if I too could be used as the answer to someone’s prayer?
But to even think of trying to somehow give back or repay You with something of worth is ludicrous and even crude.

I sit here calmly amazed.
Wondering where You will take me next.
But mostly just in awe.
I don’t like being at the end of myself when I cannot see the other side.
I like security.
So I want to soak this all in and let it become part of my eternal knowing.

I’m trying to learn how to relate to Someone unfathomable.
It’s difficult.
No, it’s impossible.
Yet I know it is what You want of me.
I’m trying, but this too – I know – is only by You and not me or any of my doing.

In the middle of my deepest need You show up in ways that I can’t even describe.
And in the end I disappear into You.
Willingly so.
What else could possibly matter?
Thank You Father, Lord, Spirit.
I whisper thanks to You.
I am so grateful.

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