About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

No Sunday person...

God is not some Sunday person I go to visit.
He is not an imaginary friend or 'Sugar Daddy' in the sky.
He's not a Father that sits in judgment of my every move waiting to hit me with a stick if I waver from what for some are seemingly His ever more strict guidelines.
He does not punish me for mistakes that I make.
I am not the object of scorn or wrath or anger or even disappointment.

I am loved.
I am cherished.
I am honored as His own.
I am protected.
I am desired.
I am delighted in.
I am wanted.
I am an endless source of His delight.

Not because of me, but because of Him
He made me to be all those things.
He made me so that I am unpredictable, unique, individually who I am, and it is good.

His love is never withheld because of my choices.
He wants only the intimacy of knowing that I trust and know His heart towards me.
He wants my love.
And He has it.

The closer I get to His heart, the more I realize how vast His love is and how long it will take to plumb its depths.
The more I know Him, the more in awe I am over it.
There is no fear in trusting Him.
I delight in living in and from His love.
Life could not be more secure, no matter the circumstances that come my way.
Nothing can separate me from His love.

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