About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Monday, April 30, 2012

04/29-12 FB conversation

Love - not just romantic love, but real love, from the heart, from the soul, with everything one is and ever will be; love like that is all that matters. how we live from our hearts, the love we have and show - it defines us. it is everything.

this is beautiful...you?

yeah.  J

you are as fascinating as love....hehe ;)

well. I am a woman. that makes me fascinating.. we women are, ya know. that part of God that was given to us to display Him... it's pretty awesome. we show His mystery and allure. a reflection of Him
not to make us out to be - all that... but to show His glory. it's humbling to be given that responsibility. we were all made in His image. a hard thing to live up to. which is why we must live from our hearts, where we connect with Him. it's the only way.

I can’t add......hehehehe
perfectly designed...in connection w/Him!
I love what you said the other night about how you can be exactly "what" you are no matter the circumstances....bc its design....
all of the opposition in the world doesn’t change....design...
in connection w/that great big beautiful force...up there....& I said I had nothing to add...hehehehehehe

hehehe oh girl! you have a WHOLE LOT to add!!! you're only just beginning to see it. open the eyes of their hearts Lord!
women come in all shapes and sizes. but the essence is still the same, it's from God and it's wonderful. women give life and extend His grace with their full hearts. women draw and give and create; all parts of Him. that's the mystery. we are made by God to reflect God, to draw to God, and together with God to give life.

oh my love...my eyes are opening....for sure...lol...I’m so thankful for you in my life...you have helped me in so many ways..& I want to get to a place where I can help other women to realize their purpose in this big beautiful world.....when we are in communication w/God we operate in design & stop "playing life" Satan keeps us distracted w/our great appeal & desirable nature....it’s not even scratching the surface of a true woman....

that's it! you're right. we are only living a small and diluted and sometimes perverted version of who we are designed to be. it's time that we all live as we were created. from our hearts as a true reflection of Him. I'm on my way dear love, and so are you my most beautiful friend.
sometimes I think it will take too long to undo all the damage I’ve done to myself - to get there. but my heart tells me that what is true will be reality and it does not matter what has been in the past. lessons learned and love gathered into my heart from them will spill out to show beauty that is beyond what appearance dictates. to walk and live from a heart of love transforms from the inside out and it really does not matter how long it takes for the outside to catch up with the heart. love conquers all. it is pure and beautiful and it makes everything new in its time. He is love. He lives in me. I am what He made me to be and will hold on to Him regardless of any circumstances that arise. this is the love that defines me. His heart living as mine.

 yes yes....love is divine..& trust me...all of your heartaches & losses in your life are valuable to me...bc I love & adore ALL of you....ALL OF YOU....it’s all a part of what makes you who you are....& I adore you....my aunt used to sit on my mom’s couch (I was only a small girl) but I remember it well...she would consistently ask every time she was at our house...for my mom to come sit on the couch & tell her everything about my uncle growing up...she never got tired of the same stories....I think she felt she was w/him & a part of his life even through stories....lol....& I think love works that way....God is actually there w/us...through good and bad....& he soaks us in...that what I feel.....that love....& your experiences (good or bad) have spoken over my life...you would not be the beautiful WOMAN..what a word...that you are had you not gone thru those moments...I am becoming the beautiful woman I am intended to be as well.......isn’t that what you said...;)
you have been there for me during those ugly moments...moments that hurt me....they are ugly & you remind me that it’s never the circumstance....that define us....we through the Holy Spirit become & unfold into the women God intends.....
that the beauty of WOMAN...she’s been through things...she knows how to LOVE!....she isn’t a foolish girl...needing affirmation that she’s pretty......women are glorious..deep beauty...& it isn’t based on never having gone through ugly moments......quite the contrary.....lol...
 I can’t stop.....hahahahahahahahhaha
the bride of Christ is made up incredible women...."princess warriors"...if you will...like our pal Cheryl ..lol...wimpy girls need not apply....don’t mess w/us either...heheheheheheh
ok.......that it......my sermon is complete....hehehehe.....maybe...

I love you
love is the life we give to one another

like Jesus had something figured out huh....hehehehe

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