I know, that doesn't look inspiring or uplifting, "doubts". But the reason it's today's word is because everyone of us has them and often don't know what to do with them. They are like fleas; irritating and they spread if you don't do something about them. So I was talking to my mom the other day about how to deal with this kind of thing. It is from one of my bible studies that I finally 'got it' and realized what they were talking about. So every time any fear, worry, or doubts come into my mind I put this to practice. Because if I am having those kind of thoughts they are not from God. So I know that they are against His Word. And I can simply apply His Word to the thought and toss it out as irrelevant. The verse 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ 2 Corinthians 10:5
Tells me just what to do. Cast it down because it does not agree with what God says it is a thought that is attempting to put itself above God's Word therefore it is NOT true. So my job is to recognize this and then 'cast down' or just dismiss that thought as a lie. Then I replace it with what God says, whatever verse applies.
I know, that is not as easy as it sounds, but even if I have to do it a thousand times a day I just keep doing it until the process becomes a habit and I can do it without skipping a beat.
So although doubts is a word with negative connotation, it is the focus for today. To recognize, cast down, replace with Truth any thought that is not in alignment with God's Word.
Have a wonderful Friday folks!
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