And He said “stay close to Me, be quiet and follow the way I go”
I said “I am afraid”
He simply replied ”I am here”
It was early and still the darkness of night had not departed. We walked together on a broken path and I listened for His every word watching each step He made, trying to put my footsteps exactly where His had gone. It did not look like we were going the right way. Everything was foreign to me and the way was not clear except right in front of Him. So I followed as He had told me. Darkness was everywhere but in His presence; so I dare not linger or take my eyes off of Him even for a moment because the way was treacherous and full of danger.
All I could do was to repeat His words over and over in my mind and simply follow Him.
He said “Step just where my feet step. Say nothing until I tell you what to say”
I whispered “Yes Lord”
And we traversed, with unseen enemy nearby arrows flying all around us, walking slowly and taking deliberate steps. He knew the way. His presence comforted me even with so much of the battle playing out round about us.
It seemed that there was a great war going on, the epic battle for the ultimate prize - no cost too high to pay. At times the din of clashing weapons was a cacophony of evil in my ears. I had to hold my hands over them because it was so deafening. What could cause such desire for this kind of destruction I wondered. How could anything be worth this amount of ruin and desolation? I felt the war fever trying to surge up in me, anger and rage against this assault was almost overwhelming.
Then He whispered in my ear as clear as summer bells tinkling in soft breezes “You belong to Me”. It was as refreshing as a thousand showers of clean fresh rain in the afternoon. I was taken away from the turmoil for a while as I let His words soak into my soul. This is the Lord of Hosts and He loves me. Dressed in traveling clothing and rough from the trek but unmistakably Master and Commander of all. I could not fathom the reason for His love for me nor why He would deign to be my guide through this bleak and tortured world. But I knew that His words were true and so I allowed myself to trust Him.
The air was dank and full of heavy evil. It made me shudder and had I not been with Him I would have fallen there. Is this the right road? I often caught myself wondering, but then looking at Him I knew that He was True and a Sure Guide. He would let no harm come to me and He would bring me to our destination in due course.
Daylight had come but the evil kept the sunlight from us. It was just as well because of who was near. The enemy lurked at once about waiting for me to stray and so I clung to Him with all my strength. I need not have worried because He held me without fail wherever our path took us. And even when it seemed that I had taken a wrong step and gotten off the track He was there – right there to take my hand and bring me back with Him to continue together on our journey.
We passed rocky crags, through wooded areas of damp forests with rotting trees, spans of endless dry deserts, and an occasional clearing with a somewhat greener grassland. On and on we walked. Long periods of silence without a word spoken between us made the journey wearisome to me. I craved to sit awhile with Him and hear His voice. But He pressed on, ever towards the goal, and I followed as best as I could. He patiently kept the pace as I was able for He knew my weakness. And on occasion he gave me rest; often sheltering me with His own body.
So we came at last to a steep mountain and began our assent. “You must climb with me to the top”. He had said little throughout the day but each word was branded on my heart and I held them close. “I am with you” “Follow Me” “I will guide you safely through” “I will not leave you”. These words gave me strength and courage for His goodness could not be questioned and His strength was unmatched. The way was steep and riddled with unstable soil and cliffs treacherously close to the edge of the trail. He held my hand and at times carried me, for I was weak and often stumbled. But He did not abandon me or let me fall, and I knew He would bring me to our destination without fail. At last we reached the clearing that brought us out to a green dell and a softly flowing brook.
Once atop the mountain we could see the sun rising in the distance and there were birds and a sweet fragrance of sweet blossoms all around. “Rest here for a while” He said. And we tarried there together taking in the brisk clean air. He fed me bread and wine and then bid me to take sleep. And so I did, knowing that He would be there when I woke and never far while I slept. I wondered that He did not lay down to rest Himself but I was so weary from our travel that sleep took me quickly and I rested in complete peace.
When I awoke He gave me living water to drink. It was such that I felt I would never thirst again, giving life to my bones and strength to my body. “Drink deeply” He said and so I did and I was refreshed and rested. The day was bright and cheery there with a warm sun bathing us in it’s light. How I longed to remain here with Him. I could see clearly now and His countenance out shown the sun as I gazed at Him. What a wonder that He who the stars worship had come to serve me as a guide. I could not rise from my knees because of the awe that had struck my heart. Now seeing Him as He is I cannot fathom the depth of His love for me. No words could spell out how wretched I felt in His presence. I had to hide my face from Him.
But then with tender gentle care he reached down and lifted me up and looked into my eyes. I could not move but had I been able I would have flinched at this piercing search of my soul. I wept because it was pure love that looked into my eyes. No wrath, no anger, no disdain though He peeled away the masks of my deepest heart. Nothing but the kindest gentlest love could reach in and remove the filth buried there within my being. Pain surged through me and I cried out but I did not resist. His surgery was needful and welcome in spite of the pain. And so I was there before Him who is Alpha and Omega, Truth, Love and Light. His care for me beyond description and I at last knew Love. The barriers between my heart and His had been broken down, my eyes allowed to see through the veil and so to look upon my Redeemer. Such beauty indescribable. The Light of the world, Son of Man, Morning Star and Great Physician attending to me. Such is His love, such is His power. I never wanted to leave Him. I knew no other peace or Love but His in the universe. There is nothing to compare with Him.
I do not know how long we remained on the mountain top, but it had come to the time to depart and continue on the journey. My heart was broken to think that we must go. Could there be any better place? “Why is it necessary to continue on?” I asked. He said “There are others”. And I knew from the great love spoken in those words that I could not remain. I could not deny the heart cry of my Sovereign Lord to go out again and find those still lost and waiting for their rescue.
And so we donned our travel clothes and then set out again to continue on our journey. For the mountain top was not the destination. It was a place to draw near Him and know Him as He is, but not to remain for long. Our destination lies far down below and through again a more treacherous road. The enemy is there waiting and hiding in those low places. Disguised and scheming in his plans to steel the Chosen from the King. We must pass by him to reach the end and endure his torment along the way. But the Master has sealed me with the Love of His heart into His very Being. So I am strengthened as I hide His words in my heart and hold close to what He has instructed me to do. He is always with me though the way may be dark and dreary at times. I know peace because I know Him, and because He knows me. He goes before me and shields my way, His hand upholding me. And I know He loves me, and it is enough.
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