The "L" word.
To some it is life itself, and to others it is terror to be avoided at all cost.
My friend said something the other day that I think I'll remember forever. It was quite profound:
God is Love, Love is God
You can’t control it
You just surrender
Tracy Hawkins
And so it is. God is Love. Love is not one of His attributes, it is who He is. Love in its purest form. We have perverted the word to the point that the idea of pure love is too distorted to equate to everyone in any way. That profound statement from my friend sums up not only who He is but our relationship to who He is. Our deepest desire is for that which is God. It is universal in all creation. When I see the trees reaching up towards His heavens I know that this is His creation seeking Him - seeking Love. I imagine the bumble bee flying from flower to flower seeking the sweet nectar and in doing so fulfilling the flowers need to distribute its pollen so as to reproduce. I see the constant of life and reproduction that cries out praise to their Creator and in doing so they too are reaching towards the heavens for that affirmation of worth; that Love. The order, the intricacies and the vastness of creation in all its beauty feed our senses and fill us with awe and wonder and draw us to the Master Artist that brought these things into being. And somewhere within us we know that it was Love that devised such magnificence to reach down and touch us and nourish our souls so that we would seek to connect with that Creator in our desire to understand His love for us.
And so it is. We can no more control God than we can control the sea which is just one of the innumerable things that His hand has created. He set the sea in its bed and formed the moon and the ebb and tide of its seasons. He is outside of our realm of comprehension and yet He has placed within us the power to be as He is, to love. Who other than Love could conceive of such a gift? To be honoured with that treasure. But as awesome a gift it is equally untamable by the human heart or spirit. It is the nuclear weapon of the Almighty in His arsenal of communion with us.
And so it is. You just have to surrender. There is no hiding, no refusing, no running or eluding this Love. When His eye is fixed on you - that is it. Love can by its true nature be harsh and commanding, often demanding more from our beings than we ever dreamed we were able to produce or give. But in return we are rewarded with the knowledge of Truth, the communion with Him that mere surface feelings can never touch. To even have a fleeting glance of this great Love is so overwhelming and so undoing that we have no other choice but to surrender to Him, to Love. There is no question, no disputing it, and anything less would be to deny life.
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