Whew! what a week it's been. My mom had to be admitted to the hospital and my workload quadrupled all on Tuesday! It's a good thing that God is still on the throne! I know He is because otherwise I'd really be crazy!!! hahaha! Hope to be bringing mom home today, she is feeling better and ready. Hope to get caught up at work in the next couple of days (or weeks?) too.
Blessings to all!
About Me
- Jeanne
- Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
it's been a while
I came across a great devo and thought i'd share....
Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." (Gen 22:2)
God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. He would have a son. However, Abraham panicked when Sarah aged beyond child bearing years and tried to help God by birthing Ishmael through Sarah's servant, who was not the promised son. Eventually, Isaac was born, who was the promised son.
However, God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son on an altar to demonstrate his obedience to God. Truly, this is one of the hardest instructions given to one of God's people in all of scripture. It compares only to the Heavenly Father sacrificing His own Son. God intervenes and allows a ram to get caught in the bushes nearby, symbolizing the Lamb of God as a prophetic sign of what is to take place in the future.
God often births a vision in our lives only to allow it to die first before the purest version of the vision is manifested. This has happened several times in my own journey. Oswald Chambers observes, "God's method always seems to be vision first, and then reality, but in between the vision and the reality there is often a deep valley of humiliation. How often has a faithful soul been plunged into a like darkness when after the vision comes the test. When God gives a vision and darkness follows, waiting on God will bring you into accordance with the vision He has given if you await His timing. Otherwise, you try to do away with the supernatural in God's undertakings. Never try to help God fulfill His word."*
When God's vision is finally birthed, nothing will stop it. Our job is to allow God to birth His vision through us His way and in His timing.
His Vision, His Way, In His Timing
October 27, 2009 • By Os Hillman
Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." (Gen 22:2)
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you would do almost anything to get it? Have you ever gotten so close to fulfilling a dream only to have it disappear right before your eyes? Such was the case for Abraham.
God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. He would have a son. However, Abraham panicked when Sarah aged beyond child bearing years and tried to help God by birthing Ishmael through Sarah's servant, who was not the promised son. Eventually, Isaac was born, who was the promised son.
However, God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son on an altar to demonstrate his obedience to God. Truly, this is one of the hardest instructions given to one of God's people in all of scripture. It compares only to the Heavenly Father sacrificing His own Son. God intervenes and allows a ram to get caught in the bushes nearby, symbolizing the Lamb of God as a prophetic sign of what is to take place in the future.
God often births a vision in our lives only to allow it to die first before the purest version of the vision is manifested. This has happened several times in my own journey. Oswald Chambers observes, "God's method always seems to be vision first, and then reality, but in between the vision and the reality there is often a deep valley of humiliation. How often has a faithful soul been plunged into a like darkness when after the vision comes the test. When God gives a vision and darkness follows, waiting on God will bring you into accordance with the vision He has given if you await His timing. Otherwise, you try to do away with the supernatural in God's undertakings. Never try to help God fulfill His word."*
When God's vision is finally birthed, nothing will stop it. Our job is to allow God to birth His vision through us His way and in His timing.
Oswald chambers, Not Knowing Where, Discovery House, Grand Rapids, MI.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ah yes
The "L" word.
To some it is life itself, and to others it is terror to be avoided at all cost.
My friend said something the other day that I think I'll remember forever. It was quite profound:
The "L" word.
To some it is life itself, and to others it is terror to be avoided at all cost.
My friend said something the other day that I think I'll remember forever. It was quite profound:
God is Love, Love is God
You can’t control it
You just surrender
Tracy Hawkins
And so it is. God is Love. Love is not one of His attributes, it is who He is. Love in its purest form. We have perverted the word to the point that the idea of pure love is too distorted to equate to everyone in any way. That profound statement from my friend sums up not only who He is but our relationship to who He is. Our deepest desire is for that which is God. It is universal in all creation. When I see the trees reaching up towards His heavens I know that this is His creation seeking Him - seeking Love. I imagine the bumble bee flying from flower to flower seeking the sweet nectar and in doing so fulfilling the flowers need to distribute its pollen so as to reproduce. I see the constant of life and reproduction that cries out praise to their Creator and in doing so they too are reaching towards the heavens for that affirmation of worth; that Love. The order, the intricacies and the vastness of creation in all its beauty feed our senses and fill us with awe and wonder and draw us to the Master Artist that brought these things into being. And somewhere within us we know that it was Love that devised such magnificence to reach down and touch us and nourish our souls so that we would seek to connect with that Creator in our desire to understand His love for us.
And so it is. We can no more control God than we can control the sea which is just one of the innumerable things that His hand has created. He set the sea in its bed and formed the moon and the ebb and tide of its seasons. He is outside of our realm of comprehension and yet He has placed within us the power to be as He is, to love. Who other than Love could conceive of such a gift? To be honoured with that treasure. But as awesome a gift it is equally untamable by the human heart or spirit. It is the nuclear weapon of the Almighty in His arsenal of communion with us.
And so it is. You just have to surrender. There is no hiding, no refusing, no running or eluding this Love. When His eye is fixed on you - that is it. Love can by its true nature be harsh and commanding, often demanding more from our beings than we ever dreamed we were able to produce or give. But in return we are rewarded with the knowledge of Truth, the communion with Him that mere surface feelings can never touch. To even have a fleeting glance of this great Love is so overwhelming and so undoing that we have no other choice but to surrender to Him, to Love. There is no question, no disputing it, and anything less would be to deny life.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
As long as you are alive you will have stress. Some stress is good for you or else you would never get out of bed in the morning.....
If we had to we'd most likely pick not to be 'stressed'. But sometimes that's the way God gets us off our duffs and into doing something.
My dad died in April. He was sick for a long time, several years in fact. At some point I became the one who was responsible for him and my mom. Maybe it was by default because I’m here and my brothers are not. It doesn't matter why, though. I am glad I got to serve him that way. It took a lot out of me though. Around 2007 I kind of left my own life by the wayside and focused on theirs and work.
So of course the IRS decided that 2007 would be a good year to audit me. I’ve never been audited so it is a little nerve racking and it makes me stressed. And since I had just stopped my own life now that I have to pick up the pieces and go forward, I can't find it.
I mean I can't find either 2006 or 2007 taxes - anywhere. So on the 22nd when I had surgery on my head I laid in the bed and wondered what I could have done with that stuff. I have back to 1989 and every other year. It’s something, isn't it?
so after recovering somewhat from my surgery (still sore and hurting at times) I have been going room by room and cleaning out stuff in search of those darn records.
Stress - in this case is making me clean out my house.
I’ve got junk here from the early 70's. Why? I have no idea.
Phone numbers on papers with no names. Check book registers with no dates...
How dumb. Cards from everyone who ever gave me one. I love to get cards.
Old books, calendars, CD's, games that have most if not all the pieces missing. Dog collars from pets that have long been buried. And a plethora of additional miscellaneous items that have little or no worth to even me any more.
So stress has managed to motivate me to dig through things that I’d have rather left untouched the rest of my life.
But the other day I was standing in my living room and I thought, “I don’t own this house, this house owns me”. And started looking around at all the junk that is not worth anything and doing nothing but collecting and generating dust.
This has been a particularly hard year losing my dad, then my 16 yr old dog, then my son and his wife lost their dog, then their unborn children at 12 weeks of pregnancy, then she lost her papa, my best friend lost her pop, my other best friend lost her mom. My brothers are both having difficulties as well. Had to have surgery on my head, now being audited by the IRS. All kinds of stuff has been going on, but not all bad.
But my daughter got engaged and my son had his wedding/honeymoon trip finally after being married for a year and a day. And my 13 yr old dog had her FIRST and only litter of pups. I kept one of them. So there is new life in my house (and lots of potty messes to clean up)
Anyway all of the above to say that even though there are times I wish I could crawl into a cave and pull the hole in after me, for the most part in spite of all of life’s ups and downs God has been so good to me and He has held me up, carried me, rocked me to sleep, and made all of it seem trivial. Because I know He loves me. And that’s all that matters.
oh yeah, my house is now a lot less cluttered, and clean!
If we had to we'd most likely pick not to be 'stressed'. But sometimes that's the way God gets us off our duffs and into doing something.
My dad died in April. He was sick for a long time, several years in fact. At some point I became the one who was responsible for him and my mom. Maybe it was by default because I’m here and my brothers are not. It doesn't matter why, though. I am glad I got to serve him that way. It took a lot out of me though. Around 2007 I kind of left my own life by the wayside and focused on theirs and work.
So of course the IRS decided that 2007 would be a good year to audit me. I’ve never been audited so it is a little nerve racking and it makes me stressed. And since I had just stopped my own life now that I have to pick up the pieces and go forward, I can't find it.
I mean I can't find either 2006 or 2007 taxes - anywhere. So on the 22nd when I had surgery on my head I laid in the bed and wondered what I could have done with that stuff. I have back to 1989 and every other year. It’s something, isn't it?
so after recovering somewhat from my surgery (still sore and hurting at times) I have been going room by room and cleaning out stuff in search of those darn records.
Stress - in this case is making me clean out my house.
I’ve got junk here from the early 70's. Why? I have no idea.
Phone numbers on papers with no names. Check book registers with no dates...
How dumb. Cards from everyone who ever gave me one. I love to get cards.
Old books, calendars, CD's, games that have most if not all the pieces missing. Dog collars from pets that have long been buried. And a plethora of additional miscellaneous items that have little or no worth to even me any more.
So stress has managed to motivate me to dig through things that I’d have rather left untouched the rest of my life.
But the other day I was standing in my living room and I thought, “I don’t own this house, this house owns me”. And started looking around at all the junk that is not worth anything and doing nothing but collecting and generating dust.
This has been a particularly hard year losing my dad, then my 16 yr old dog, then my son and his wife lost their dog, then their unborn children at 12 weeks of pregnancy, then she lost her papa, my best friend lost her pop, my other best friend lost her mom. My brothers are both having difficulties as well. Had to have surgery on my head, now being audited by the IRS. All kinds of stuff has been going on, but not all bad.
But my daughter got engaged and my son had his wedding/honeymoon trip finally after being married for a year and a day. And my 13 yr old dog had her FIRST and only litter of pups. I kept one of them. So there is new life in my house (and lots of potty messes to clean up)
Anyway all of the above to say that even though there are times I wish I could crawl into a cave and pull the hole in after me, for the most part in spite of all of life’s ups and downs God has been so good to me and He has held me up, carried me, rocked me to sleep, and made all of it seem trivial. Because I know He loves me. And that’s all that matters.
oh yeah, my house is now a lot less cluttered, and clean!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
submission, not a dirty word at all....
most of what you read here will be mine, but today's devotional had a jewel that I must share...
I wouldn't be very comfortable with that kind of submission either. As a matter of fact, I'm not particularly comfortable with any kind, but since it was God's idea and not mine, I had better come to terms with what the Bible says about it and stop rejecting the whole thing just because it is so often misunderstood and wrongly defined. I came across a lucid example of what it means in 1 Chronicles 11:10: "Of David's heroes these were the chief, men who lent their full strength to his government and, with allIsrael , joined in making him king." There it is. The recognition, first of all, of God-given authority. Recognizing it, accepting it, they then lent their full strength to it, and did everything in their power to make him--not them--king.
Christians--both men and women--recognize first the authority of Christ. They pray "Thy will be done." They set about making an honest effort to cooperate with what He is doing, straightening out the kinks in their own lives according to His wishes. A Christian woman, then, in submission to God, recognizes the divinely assigned authority of her husband (he didn't earn it, remember, he received it by appointment!. She then sets about lending her full strength to helping him do what he's supposed to do, be what he's supposed to be--her head. She's not always trying to get her own way. She's trying to make it easier for him to do his job. She seeks to contribute to his purpose, not to scheme how to accomplish her own.
What Do You Mean By Submission? by Elisabeth Elliot
People are always asking me this. What is this business of "submission" you're always talking about? We're not really very comfortable with this. Seems kinds of negative. Sounds as though women are not worth as much as men. Aren't women supposed to exercise their gifts? Can't they ever open their mouths? I wouldn't be very comfortable with that kind of submission either. As a matter of fact, I'm not particularly comfortable with any kind, but since it was God's idea and not mine, I had better come to terms with what the Bible says about it and stop rejecting the whole thing just because it is so often misunderstood and wrongly defined. I came across a lucid example of what it means in 1 Chronicles 11:10: "Of David's heroes these were the chief, men who lent their full strength to his government and, with all
Christians--both men and women--recognize first the authority of Christ. They pray "Thy will be done." They set about making an honest effort to cooperate with what He is doing, straightening out the kinks in their own lives according to His wishes. A Christian woman, then, in submission to God, recognizes the divinely assigned authority of her husband (he didn't earn it, remember, he received it by appointment!. She then sets about lending her full strength to helping him do what he's supposed to do, be what he's supposed to be--her head. She's not always trying to get her own way. She's trying to make it easier for him to do his job. She seeks to contribute to his purpose, not to scheme how to accomplish her own.
If this sounds suspiciously like some worn-out traditionalist view, or (worse) like a typical Elisabeth Elliot opinion, test it with the straightedge of Scripture. What does submission to Christ mean? "Wives, submit yourself to your husbands, as to the Lord." Compare and connect.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
paying it forward
Love means serving others and honoring God.
My company Mandura has partnered with Kids against Hunger to help feed the children of the world
We're NOT just another business.
If you want to get involved and help feed the children it's easy.
You can do it by also having your own home business and making money while you are helping others. Mandura is a nutritional juice beverage made of all natural Superfruits Acai, Durian, Mangosteen, Blueberry, in grape juice. This unique formula provides essential amino acids for cellular growth and repair, vitamins and minerals that most Americans do not get in their diets, antioxadents that help fight cancer forming free radicals throughout the body, and a lot more, and it tastes delicious.There are No preservatives - the nutrients not cooked away in processing, and there are No additives.
Mandura helps people to be healthy and remain that way, helps people financially, and Mandura helps feed children that are starving.
If you are interested in joining the Mandura family then check out my business site at this link.
My company Mandura has partnered with Kids against Hunger to help feed the children of the world
We're NOT just another business.
If you want to get involved and help feed the children it's easy.
You can do it by also having your own home business and making money while you are helping others. Mandura is a nutritional juice beverage made of all natural Superfruits Acai, Durian, Mangosteen, Blueberry, in grape juice. This unique formula provides essential amino acids for cellular growth and repair, vitamins and minerals that most Americans do not get in their diets, antioxadents that help fight cancer forming free radicals throughout the body, and a lot more, and it tastes delicious.There are No preservatives - the nutrients not cooked away in processing, and there are No additives.
Mandura helps people to be healthy and remain that way, helps people financially, and Mandura helps feed children that are starving.
If you are interested in joining the Mandura family then check out my business site at this link.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Who is wise?
Let him understand these things.
Who is prudent?
Let him know them.
For the ways of the Lord are right;
The righteous walk in them
But transgressors stumble in them.
Hosea 14:9
My flesh and mind and heart rebel at discipline.
I do not want to get up in the morning,
I do not want to spend my time on anyone but me.
I do not want to eat properly.
I do not want to go to work.
I do not want to have to make decisions.
I do not want to be responsible.
I do not want to have choices made for me.
I do not want to be forced to do anything.
My flesh mind and heart are full of rebellion.
God’s word asks who is wise?
Who is prudent?
Then advises that the wise and prudent person understands and knows that the ways of the Lord are right.
Righteous people walk in them but that is not the choice of those who live by the flesh.
Our flesh is not evil. It is a gift from God, created to be used for Him and His glory.
Our will is not evil. It too is a gift from God and a tool that if yielded to Him He can use to mold us into His image. Likewise our minds and hearts are not evil, but gifts again for His glory.
Sometimes I hate that.
Other times I am so grateful that He gave me the choice and the honor to be able to choose His ways rather than those that my flesh would choose.
In years past my flesh ruled and I was subject to it’s demands.
Often I have found myself falling back into that pattern and I have learned that daily I must take back the reigns and drive myself towards God.
The trick to doing that, which I never understood until now is to be so full of God that everything else is so absolutely trivial as to not matter at all. It makes the choice to follow Him in submitted discipline quite easy. It is like skipping the veggies and going right to the desert.
Being full of God is not easy for a person without discipline. Those of us who were rebels of the 60’s and/or 70’s are now having to live lives we never dreamed we’d live.
We have had to either conform to the rules of society or be kicked out one way or another.
Discipline was a dirty word back then. My flesh does not like it.
But as I learn to feed my mind with Christ and to fill my spirit with the Word and as I submit my will to the Father I find delight in the discipline of giving myself to Him in devotion prayer and worship daily.
I never thought I would or even could form enough of a habit of study to become disciplined to the point of surrender.
I will to do what He who loves me desires of me. My heart leads me in response to His love for me, but my will chooses to follow through and continue to daily give myself to Him by study and worship and in seeking Him.
In all this my spirit has become strong and my spirit submitted to Him takes control guiding my thoughts and actions and causes my flesh to come in line with the will of God.
My flesh is not evil but it would be if I allowed it to rule. My mind is not evil but it would be if I allowed it to rule. My heart also is not evil but it would be if I allowed it to rule.
The only way to flee from the trap of allowing anything but God to rule is to fill myself up with Him and His Word and His Spirit to the point that there is nothing else that is important. This transforms my flesh into the image of my spirit which is becoming Christ who is in me.
Wisdom is to feed on Christ, attend to the Spirit, and submit to the Father. It happens from the inside out.
This then allows our flesh, our mind, and our will to be used for God and His glory.
today's word, doubts
I know, that doesn't look inspiring or uplifting, "doubts". But the reason it's today's word is because everyone of us has them and often don't know what to do with them. They are like fleas; irritating and they spread if you don't do something about them. So I was talking to my mom the other day about how to deal with this kind of thing. It is from one of my bible studies that I finally 'got it' and realized what they were talking about. So every time any fear, worry, or doubts come into my mind I put this to practice. Because if I am having those kind of thoughts they are not from God. So I know that they are against His Word. And I can simply apply His Word to the thought and toss it out as irrelevant. The verse 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ 2 Corinthians 10:5
Tells me just what to do. Cast it down because it does not agree with what God says it is a thought that is attempting to put itself above God's Word therefore it is NOT true. So my job is to recognize this and then 'cast down' or just dismiss that thought as a lie. Then I replace it with what God says, whatever verse applies.
I know, that is not as easy as it sounds, but even if I have to do it a thousand times a day I just keep doing it until the process becomes a habit and I can do it without skipping a beat.
So although doubts is a word with negative connotation, it is the focus for today. To recognize, cast down, replace with Truth any thought that is not in alignment with God's Word.
Have a wonderful Friday folks!
Tells me just what to do. Cast it down because it does not agree with what God says it is a thought that is attempting to put itself above God's Word therefore it is NOT true. So my job is to recognize this and then 'cast down' or just dismiss that thought as a lie. Then I replace it with what God says, whatever verse applies.
I know, that is not as easy as it sounds, but even if I have to do it a thousand times a day I just keep doing it until the process becomes a habit and I can do it without skipping a beat.
So although doubts is a word with negative connotation, it is the focus for today. To recognize, cast down, replace with Truth any thought that is not in alignment with God's Word.
Have a wonderful Friday folks!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Romans 15:13
13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
today's word is prosper
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
This is a verse that has bolstered me in many troubling times in my life. God knows what He plans for me and it's not to harm me but to prosper me. That prosper is speaking about spiritual matters but the application can be made for this life as well. When we follow His precepts we do prosper.
God is good and He wants only for us to know Him and love Him.
It is my desire to do just that, and share the love that He has poured out on me with others.
So today, may you prosper in love, in spirit, and in your life.
This is a verse that has bolstered me in many troubling times in my life. God knows what He plans for me and it's not to harm me but to prosper me. That prosper is speaking about spiritual matters but the application can be made for this life as well. When we follow His precepts we do prosper.
God is good and He wants only for us to know Him and love Him.
It is my desire to do just that, and share the love that He has poured out on me with others.
So today, may you prosper in love, in spirit, and in your life.
my business Mandura
I have a home business that ROCKS! Check it out http://jrobinson.mandurarep.com/
If you like Acai, you will love Mandera
An over-priced cup of coffee in the morning, diet soda and snack in the afternoon vs. $1 per day on your health...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
5am Tuesday 10/06/09
Well good morning everyone out there in cyberspace.
I slept in by an hour this morning and what am I doing, oh yeah, I'm on my computer! hahaha!
What kind of day is this going to be?
Well today's word is follow-through.
Ok that might be two words....
The point is that once you start something it takes some work to keep going in order for it to be worth it.
So that is follow-through. Example: I'm just new at this blogging and because I want to gain momentum get to know folks and make friends, I'm following through with posting daily so that I can let people know what I'm about. Hopefully there will be people out there that find my writing helpful and even inspirational. If so I'm doing what I intended and that's great!
A new business venture calls for dedication perserverence and follow through.
So this morning with coffee cup in hand I'm at my computer, before breakfast I might add! and sending you a note that says have a great day! And when you begin anything that is worthwhile, ya gotta follow through and perservere to make it work.
Have a blessed day!
I slept in by an hour this morning and what am I doing, oh yeah, I'm on my computer! hahaha!
What kind of day is this going to be?
Well today's word is follow-through.
Ok that might be two words....
The point is that once you start something it takes some work to keep going in order for it to be worth it.
So that is follow-through. Example: I'm just new at this blogging and because I want to gain momentum get to know folks and make friends, I'm following through with posting daily so that I can let people know what I'm about. Hopefully there will be people out there that find my writing helpful and even inspirational. If so I'm doing what I intended and that's great!
A new business venture calls for dedication perserverence and follow through.
So this morning with coffee cup in hand I'm at my computer, before breakfast I might add! and sending you a note that says have a great day! And when you begin anything that is worthwhile, ya gotta follow through and perservere to make it work.
Have a blessed day!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Life is difficult enough to be alone. We live in a community, it can be a community that reaches around the world or a community of just two or three. However large your community, get connected. It is work sometimes to make friends. Some of us are better at being frinedly than others. In my mind the important thing is to connect with people who lift you up, encourage you and who you can trust. Yup that's a hard one. But to find people like this ya gotta be a people like this!
So be friendly, encouraging, lift others up, and be honest and trustworthy. Try it and you'll see that people are drawn to you naturally. You give what you want back and you'll get it.
Have a great rest of your Monday!
So be friendly, encouraging, lift others up, and be honest and trustworthy. Try it and you'll see that people are drawn to you naturally. You give what you want back and you'll get it.
Have a great rest of your Monday!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
ok. it's bedtime, actually about an hour past.
I gotta get up at 4am. I am finding it difficult to write about anything other than God and His attributes.
but my friend says with me around who needs 'War and Peace'. So I'm sure I'll get around to other things. Eventually. But God is an inexhaustable subject to explore so - we'll see.
good nite all. I hope to be back very soon!
but my friend says with me around who needs 'War and Peace'. So I'm sure I'll get around to other things. Eventually. But God is an inexhaustable subject to explore so - we'll see.
good nite all. I hope to be back very soon!
More on God's love for us and our love, the real love, for each other.
You can not have God in part, deny His love, deny His mercy, deny His grace.
The myriad facets of God are unending and can not be numbered.
God’s love is His being.
He desires for us to KNOW Him which means that we are constantly seeking Him, constantly with Him, in communion with Him, and abiding in Him.
We can never fully know Him here but it is His desire for us to always reaching for that purpose.
Knowing God is the intimate knowledge that is pictured in a marriage: complete union of two becoming one.
His love is drawing us into that union with Him complete full and wholly His.
His desire is for us to love Him which is to know Him which is to live in that love, always seeking to be more and more drenched and soaked in it.
Our purpose is to live in that love and to have so much of it that it spills out into others so that they are then drawn to Him as well.
If what we do say think or feel for one another is not out of a complete love then it is not God.
If what we do say think and feel for one another is out of love then it is of God.
To love one another is what God desires.
To deny love is to deny God.
Love that is God is pure and gives out care compassion kindness and fairness and does not seek for it’s own satisfaction. It simply gives without regard to any outcome.
So to know God is to love God, to know love is to know God.
To know and love God is to love mankind – together and individually – all mankind.
God is love and His love is towards us regardless of who or what we are or ever have been or will be.
Some people find this very uncomfortable
God's love is without fail.
Yeah! I want to be really wanted!
God did that, went to the extreme to have me!
He loves me with an everlasting love that will never be quenched.
His desire to be with me and have me as His own is endless.
He has pursued me and wooed me and won my heart
And now He will never let me go!
Yes He went to the ends of the earth for me!
He braved the elements
He fought off armies
He wrestled with the villains – the would-be suitors that only wanted to defile me
He conquered them with His mighty Right Arm
He challenged anyone that stood in His way to get to me
His desire to have me is not for possession alone, though He desires to possess me
But He also desires to give me freedom and to give me joy
He does not desire to control me, He desires to have me desire Him.
And I do.
Oh I do.
How could I not?
With such love there is only one answer from my heart
And that is to respond with all the love that it can muster to return back to Him.
Hey hey hey
Keep your chin up lovey, there is only One God in heaven and He is our great lover.
He does not falter in His love for us and He does not sleep.
Bear up with the burdens of this life by knowing how deeply you are loved.
When we come from that place, anything, anything is possible in this life.
To know I am loved that much gives me strength beyond any human comprehension.
Love created the world, the power in love drives the universe.
Draw from that love and live in it.
Like coffe turns plane water into a beautiful rich brown steep in His love and allow yourself to be turned into the perfect color of His love for you.
Consume it and let it consume you.
Breathe it in and make it your own breath
His love is so potent that all else simply falls away when we live in it.
In His presence
I feast at Your table Lord
I soak in Your presence
I breathe in the delight of who You are
How great and marvelous it is to be in fellowship with You.
I cannot take my eyes off of You
I hear nothing but Your voice
There is no other vision but Your presence for my eyes
The touch of Your hand anointing my head is like lightning though me.
Oh how I love You my Saviour, my God
There is none like You forever and ever.
I have no other desire but You
Nothing else can compare
You are my all in all
Words fail to praise You adequately
The song in my heart rises up and I sing with everything I am
That You oh Lord are what every dream has ever been
You are everything I could never have hoped for but longed for anyway.
So I feast and soak You in and drink Your living water that gives me life.This one is from October 1st. I must admit that I was at work daydreaming. But ah, it was so sweet!
And He said “stay close to Me, be quiet and follow the way I go”
I said “I am afraid”
He simply replied ”I am here”
It was early and still the darkness of night had not departed. We walked together on a broken path and I listened for His every word watching each step He made, trying to put my footsteps exactly where His had gone. It did not look like we were going the right way. Everything was foreign to me and the way was not clear except right in front of Him. So I followed as He had told me. Darkness was everywhere but in His presence; so I dare not linger or take my eyes off of Him even for a moment because the way was treacherous and full of danger.
All I could do was to repeat His words over and over in my mind and simply follow Him.
He said “Step just where my feet step. Say nothing until I tell you what to say”
I whispered “Yes Lord”
And we traversed, with unseen enemy nearby arrows flying all around us, walking slowly and taking deliberate steps. He knew the way. His presence comforted me even with so much of the battle playing out round about us.
It seemed that there was a great war going on, the epic battle for the ultimate prize - no cost too high to pay. At times the din of clashing weapons was a cacophony of evil in my ears. I had to hold my hands over them because it was so deafening. What could cause such desire for this kind of destruction I wondered. How could anything be worth this amount of ruin and desolation? I felt the war fever trying to surge up in me, anger and rage against this assault was almost overwhelming.
Then He whispered in my ear as clear as summer bells tinkling in soft breezes “You belong to Me”. It was as refreshing as a thousand showers of clean fresh rain in the afternoon. I was taken away from the turmoil for a while as I let His words soak into my soul. This is the Lord of Hosts and He loves me. Dressed in traveling clothing and rough from the trek but unmistakably Master and Commander of all. I could not fathom the reason for His love for me nor why He would deign to be my guide through this bleak and tortured world. But I knew that His words were true and so I allowed myself to trust Him.
The air was dank and full of heavy evil. It made me shudder and had I not been with Him I would have fallen there. Is this the right road? I often caught myself wondering, but then looking at Him I knew that He was True and a Sure Guide. He would let no harm come to me and He would bring me to our destination in due course.
Daylight had come but the evil kept the sunlight from us. It was just as well because of who was near. The enemy lurked at once about waiting for me to stray and so I clung to Him with all my strength. I need not have worried because He held me without fail wherever our path took us. And even when it seemed that I had taken a wrong step and gotten off the track He was there – right there to take my hand and bring me back with Him to continue together on our journey.
We passed rocky crags, through wooded areas of damp forests with rotting trees, spans of endless dry deserts, and an occasional clearing with a somewhat greener grassland. On and on we walked. Long periods of silence without a word spoken between us made the journey wearisome to me. I craved to sit awhile with Him and hear His voice. But He pressed on, ever towards the goal, and I followed as best as I could. He patiently kept the pace as I was able for He knew my weakness. And on occasion he gave me rest; often sheltering me with His own body.
So we came at last to a steep mountain and began our assent. “You must climb with me to the top”. He had said little throughout the day but each word was branded on my heart and I held them close. “I am with you” “Follow Me” “I will guide you safely through” “I will not leave you”. These words gave me strength and courage for His goodness could not be questioned and His strength was unmatched. The way was steep and riddled with unstable soil and cliffs treacherously close to the edge of the trail. He held my hand and at times carried me, for I was weak and often stumbled. But He did not abandon me or let me fall, and I knew He would bring me to our destination without fail. At last we reached the clearing that brought us out to a green dell and a softly flowing brook.
Once atop the mountain we could see the sun rising in the distance and there were birds and a sweet fragrance of sweet blossoms all around. “Rest here for a while” He said. And we tarried there together taking in the brisk clean air. He fed me bread and wine and then bid me to take sleep. And so I did, knowing that He would be there when I woke and never far while I slept. I wondered that He did not lay down to rest Himself but I was so weary from our travel that sleep took me quickly and I rested in complete peace.
When I awoke He gave me living water to drink. It was such that I felt I would never thirst again, giving life to my bones and strength to my body. “Drink deeply” He said and so I did and I was refreshed and rested. The day was bright and cheery there with a warm sun bathing us in it’s light. How I longed to remain here with Him. I could see clearly now and His countenance out shown the sun as I gazed at Him. What a wonder that He who the stars worship had come to serve me as a guide. I could not rise from my knees because of the awe that had struck my heart. Now seeing Him as He is I cannot fathom the depth of His love for me. No words could spell out how wretched I felt in His presence. I had to hide my face from Him.
But then with tender gentle care he reached down and lifted me up and looked into my eyes. I could not move but had I been able I would have flinched at this piercing search of my soul. I wept because it was pure love that looked into my eyes. No wrath, no anger, no disdain though He peeled away the masks of my deepest heart. Nothing but the kindest gentlest love could reach in and remove the filth buried there within my being. Pain surged through me and I cried out but I did not resist. His surgery was needful and welcome in spite of the pain. And so I was there before Him who is Alpha and Omega, Truth, Love and Light. His care for me beyond description and I at last knew Love. The barriers between my heart and His had been broken down, my eyes allowed to see through the veil and so to look upon my Redeemer. Such beauty indescribable. The Light of the world, Son of Man, Morning Star and Great Physician attending to me. Such is His love, such is His power. I never wanted to leave Him. I knew no other peace or Love but His in the universe. There is nothing to compare with Him.
I do not know how long we remained on the mountain top, but it had come to the time to depart and continue on the journey. My heart was broken to think that we must go. Could there be any better place? “Why is it necessary to continue on?” I asked. He said “There are others”. And I knew from the great love spoken in those words that I could not remain. I could not deny the heart cry of my Sovereign Lord to go out again and find those still lost and waiting for their rescue.
And so we donned our travel clothes and then set out again to continue on our journey. For the mountain top was not the destination. It was a place to draw near Him and know Him as He is, but not to remain for long. Our destination lies far down below and through again a more treacherous road. The enemy is there waiting and hiding in those low places. Disguised and scheming in his plans to steel the Chosen from the King. We must pass by him to reach the end and endure his torment along the way. But the Master has sealed me with the Love of His heart into His very Being. So I am strengthened as I hide His words in my heart and hold close to what He has instructed me to do. He is always with me though the way may be dark and dreary at times. I know peace because I know Him, and because He knows me. He goes before me and shields my way, His hand upholding me. And I know He loves me, and it is enough.
I said “I am afraid”
He simply replied ”I am here”
It was early and still the darkness of night had not departed. We walked together on a broken path and I listened for His every word watching each step He made, trying to put my footsteps exactly where His had gone. It did not look like we were going the right way. Everything was foreign to me and the way was not clear except right in front of Him. So I followed as He had told me. Darkness was everywhere but in His presence; so I dare not linger or take my eyes off of Him even for a moment because the way was treacherous and full of danger.
All I could do was to repeat His words over and over in my mind and simply follow Him.
He said “Step just where my feet step. Say nothing until I tell you what to say”
I whispered “Yes Lord”
And we traversed, with unseen enemy nearby arrows flying all around us, walking slowly and taking deliberate steps. He knew the way. His presence comforted me even with so much of the battle playing out round about us.
It seemed that there was a great war going on, the epic battle for the ultimate prize - no cost too high to pay. At times the din of clashing weapons was a cacophony of evil in my ears. I had to hold my hands over them because it was so deafening. What could cause such desire for this kind of destruction I wondered. How could anything be worth this amount of ruin and desolation? I felt the war fever trying to surge up in me, anger and rage against this assault was almost overwhelming.
Then He whispered in my ear as clear as summer bells tinkling in soft breezes “You belong to Me”. It was as refreshing as a thousand showers of clean fresh rain in the afternoon. I was taken away from the turmoil for a while as I let His words soak into my soul. This is the Lord of Hosts and He loves me. Dressed in traveling clothing and rough from the trek but unmistakably Master and Commander of all. I could not fathom the reason for His love for me nor why He would deign to be my guide through this bleak and tortured world. But I knew that His words were true and so I allowed myself to trust Him.
The air was dank and full of heavy evil. It made me shudder and had I not been with Him I would have fallen there. Is this the right road? I often caught myself wondering, but then looking at Him I knew that He was True and a Sure Guide. He would let no harm come to me and He would bring me to our destination in due course.
Daylight had come but the evil kept the sunlight from us. It was just as well because of who was near. The enemy lurked at once about waiting for me to stray and so I clung to Him with all my strength. I need not have worried because He held me without fail wherever our path took us. And even when it seemed that I had taken a wrong step and gotten off the track He was there – right there to take my hand and bring me back with Him to continue together on our journey.
We passed rocky crags, through wooded areas of damp forests with rotting trees, spans of endless dry deserts, and an occasional clearing with a somewhat greener grassland. On and on we walked. Long periods of silence without a word spoken between us made the journey wearisome to me. I craved to sit awhile with Him and hear His voice. But He pressed on, ever towards the goal, and I followed as best as I could. He patiently kept the pace as I was able for He knew my weakness. And on occasion he gave me rest; often sheltering me with His own body.
So we came at last to a steep mountain and began our assent. “You must climb with me to the top”. He had said little throughout the day but each word was branded on my heart and I held them close. “I am with you” “Follow Me” “I will guide you safely through” “I will not leave you”. These words gave me strength and courage for His goodness could not be questioned and His strength was unmatched. The way was steep and riddled with unstable soil and cliffs treacherously close to the edge of the trail. He held my hand and at times carried me, for I was weak and often stumbled. But He did not abandon me or let me fall, and I knew He would bring me to our destination without fail. At last we reached the clearing that brought us out to a green dell and a softly flowing brook.
Once atop the mountain we could see the sun rising in the distance and there were birds and a sweet fragrance of sweet blossoms all around. “Rest here for a while” He said. And we tarried there together taking in the brisk clean air. He fed me bread and wine and then bid me to take sleep. And so I did, knowing that He would be there when I woke and never far while I slept. I wondered that He did not lay down to rest Himself but I was so weary from our travel that sleep took me quickly and I rested in complete peace.
When I awoke He gave me living water to drink. It was such that I felt I would never thirst again, giving life to my bones and strength to my body. “Drink deeply” He said and so I did and I was refreshed and rested. The day was bright and cheery there with a warm sun bathing us in it’s light. How I longed to remain here with Him. I could see clearly now and His countenance out shown the sun as I gazed at Him. What a wonder that He who the stars worship had come to serve me as a guide. I could not rise from my knees because of the awe that had struck my heart. Now seeing Him as He is I cannot fathom the depth of His love for me. No words could spell out how wretched I felt in His presence. I had to hide my face from Him.
But then with tender gentle care he reached down and lifted me up and looked into my eyes. I could not move but had I been able I would have flinched at this piercing search of my soul. I wept because it was pure love that looked into my eyes. No wrath, no anger, no disdain though He peeled away the masks of my deepest heart. Nothing but the kindest gentlest love could reach in and remove the filth buried there within my being. Pain surged through me and I cried out but I did not resist. His surgery was needful and welcome in spite of the pain. And so I was there before Him who is Alpha and Omega, Truth, Love and Light. His care for me beyond description and I at last knew Love. The barriers between my heart and His had been broken down, my eyes allowed to see through the veil and so to look upon my Redeemer. Such beauty indescribable. The Light of the world, Son of Man, Morning Star and Great Physician attending to me. Such is His love, such is His power. I never wanted to leave Him. I knew no other peace or Love but His in the universe. There is nothing to compare with Him.
I do not know how long we remained on the mountain top, but it had come to the time to depart and continue on the journey. My heart was broken to think that we must go. Could there be any better place? “Why is it necessary to continue on?” I asked. He said “There are others”. And I knew from the great love spoken in those words that I could not remain. I could not deny the heart cry of my Sovereign Lord to go out again and find those still lost and waiting for their rescue.
And so we donned our travel clothes and then set out again to continue on our journey. For the mountain top was not the destination. It was a place to draw near Him and know Him as He is, but not to remain for long. Our destination lies far down below and through again a more treacherous road. The enemy is there waiting and hiding in those low places. Disguised and scheming in his plans to steel the Chosen from the King. We must pass by him to reach the end and endure his torment along the way. But the Master has sealed me with the Love of His heart into His very Being. So I am strengthened as I hide His words in my heart and hold close to what He has instructed me to do. He is always with me though the way may be dark and dreary at times. I know peace because I know Him, and because He knows me. He goes before me and shields my way, His hand upholding me. And I know He loves me, and it is enough.
a gem from February 26, 2008
So if you haven't figured it out by now, I am a believer. I love God. I have trusted Jesus Christ for my salvation and I have a place in heaven for eternity.
My life has not always been great. I've had, like everyone else out there, times of sadness and difficulties. But as I look back over my life I see where the hand of God has moved and how He has taken care of me in spite of my own dumb choices. I have done a lot of writing over the years. Most of it is cathartic and not worth the read. But some gems have fallen out and I'll try to share those that might be something that others can relate to.
Here's one of them from Tuesday, February 26, 2008
My life has not always been great. I've had, like everyone else out there, times of sadness and difficulties. But as I look back over my life I see where the hand of God has moved and how He has taken care of me in spite of my own dumb choices. I have done a lot of writing over the years. Most of it is cathartic and not worth the read. But some gems have fallen out and I'll try to share those that might be something that others can relate to.
Here's one of them from Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Current mood: Category: Friends
From time to time I know that I am loved And I see the hand of God within those eyes I feel the warmth of others with a hug In simple words of encouragement my heart flies I don't know why the negative seems to rule For most of us those things just stick like glue And forgotten is the sweetness given to us With loving thoughts and caring as a rule But right now I do feel very loved By friends and family near and far away Sometimes my eyes are open up to You and The brightness that you give me lights my day |
I am going to add some older writings also. These may not be uplifting as much as they are relating to who I am and where I come from. Just another way to get to know me.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Any moment now we'll begin to see to hear, to feel, to touch, to know, to understand, and at last get what it's all about. Through muck and mire and dark and fire with built up tarter, scum and dung we'll rise above it and see the think that's been so hard - the unformed thought just out of reach - the faint recalled impression known to but a few Any moment now it will be clear what goes unspoken, unthought, unheard that wistful memory of what would have been our purpose here. It's only just a fleeting thought comes darting cross the mind of how it might have been if only there had never been a wrong. Youthful recollections of the dream caught immortal in our cells that draws us to the greater that calls us from beyond time. Any moment now, any moment now, if only we could see and remember, just remember how life was supposed to be. I am a daughter of Eve. |
And so we begin
This is not my first time writing. It's my first time blogging on my own page.
I'm excited to get started and hope to get to know lots of folks out there in cyberspace! So welcome to my blog. I hope to inspire and share what will be helpful and uplifting to those who stop by to visit.
Today's word is perseverance. If you begin a thing keep it up work hard and what you plant will grow if you water and take care of it.
The laws of the universe include the law of gravity, and others. My favorite is the law of sowing and reaping. That's because I know that what I give out is what I will eventually receive in return. I will persevere and sow kindness mercy and love in to everyone I come in contact with. This is so important in life. So I hope we all give out what we want to get back because like it or not, that's what we'll get!
Persevere in good and don't give up on your dreams!
Till next time, Blessings to all
I'm excited to get started and hope to get to know lots of folks out there in cyberspace! So welcome to my blog. I hope to inspire and share what will be helpful and uplifting to those who stop by to visit.
Today's word is perseverance. If you begin a thing keep it up work hard and what you plant will grow if you water and take care of it.
The laws of the universe include the law of gravity, and others. My favorite is the law of sowing and reaping. That's because I know that what I give out is what I will eventually receive in return. I will persevere and sow kindness mercy and love in to everyone I come in contact with. This is so important in life. So I hope we all give out what we want to get back because like it or not, that's what we'll get!
Persevere in good and don't give up on your dreams!
Till next time, Blessings to all
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