We live in a larger story, His
story – of love and redemption, which is often difficult to grasp because our
smaller stories are so overwhelming.
Give your heart time to grieve over
all of these losses my friend. You have had many.
Stay your heart in Him.
Borrow from His strength for this battle. He gives it willingly to you.
Do not be surprised that you find
yourself in a battle. We live in this epic love story and war is the
backdrop for us all.
There are seasons where it seems we
have found peace, but we must always remember that we are at war with an enemy
that hates us.
But, and it is a HUGE but, we have
the power to overcome the enemy with the name of our Love Jesus. His love
is what conquers all.
You are loved beyond your
imagination from outside of time and eternity before the beginning and beyond
what we must think of as the end.
His love for you spans across the
millennia and the vast universes made by His hands! Grasp those hands and
draw closer to Him. His heart is good. He is for you. You are
the apple of His eye and the delight of His heart. Let yourself believe
it. This is the truth of the Gospel. Not that He came to make us be
good. But that God set aside His divinity and came into enemy territory
disguised as a baby, so vulnerable and so risky, to set the captives
free! He came so that we might have life and have it in abundance.
He came to share the good news that we do not have to live under the weight of
our past or our circumstances, but that we can live in the light of His love in
freedom. We are not humans with a spirit, we are spirits with physical
Allow His love to penetrate your
Reconnect with that which is more
precious than life.
Then live from your heart my
When these irritations and this
turmoil is going on search your heart where you are connected with Love and
find His still small voice and listen and flow from there.
You are plugged in to the power
that spoke this world into being.
There is strength that can be felt
palpably when you know who loves you, when you know who you belong to, when you
know where your source is.
Remember to go there.
Do not allow the enemy to use
people to get you caught up in the whirlwind of strife and despair.
Much is at risk, much is to be
gained with this lesson.
Learn to live from your heart, from
that love connection with Jesus.
I have little to give you but this,
and this that I have I will willingly give, which is more valuable than gold
and diamonds and all the riches available.
I have the love of a God who risked
all to come set me free. I know that he came for you as well.
Life comes at us from all
directions to try to sever that connection.
Do not let it!
That is the enemy.
That is his goal.
Stay connected with the lover of
your soul.
That is where your strength
That is where there is peace.
That is where freedom is.
That is where He wants you.
You are His and He is yours.
Live there my friend, my Angel.
Angel writes back:
ReplyDeleteAs the tears are running down my checks as I write this, I am trying! I keep telling myself what you have just said, although my words are not so wonderfully said, but I keep on hanging on, when I am at my wits end, as I am now, I try to tie another knot, I try to hang on, I keep telling myself, to "just hang in there, Jesus is coming!" I just wish he would hurry up! I literally need "another touch" of God and His strength, as my human strength is gone, because I know that is if He will give me another touch, I'll have His strength to carry on!
S.O.S. God,
S.O.S. Jesus,
S.O.S. Holy Spirit, HELP!
I need your help, I need divine intervention!
Help me Lord!
Actually my love
ReplyDeleteLet go
It’s not yours to carry
Let go
The ‘hanging on’ isn't even something you can do.
He’s the one that will not let go of you.
Everything you think you are supposed to do.
Let go.
This situation is not yours to deal with.
It’s His.
Let go.
When it rears it’s ugly head, let go.
It’s not yours.
You just happen to be in it.
But it’s NOT yours.
Do you understand?
Live in Him not in the situation.
Go into your heart.
Get in there where its safe.
Where He is.
Walk away, let go, divorce the situation (not the people).
Your strength is in the peace in your heart (I know it’s there).
Find Him. Run to Him. Climb up in his lap and let him hold you.
Galatians 5
1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
There is life abundant HERE NOW – not just in the sweet by and by.
We don’t have to wait for Jesus to return to live freely in the relationship that we were designed to live in.
Most of us have lost our way and are only finding it now. You are getting close Angel. Listen to your heart. It does not lie. It desires to be loved, to be cherished, honored. You are. Jesus gives all of those things to our hearts and much much more. It is not a cruel trick to place those desires in our hearts and then say, oh, but you have to wait until you die to get them. NO! they are available now. Connection and relationship is what He wants from us. What he longs to have with us. Not obedience, not being ‘good enough’! he wants us to love him. First rule LOVE, second rule – see first rule! Nothing else matters. Love God with ALL. That relationship FIXES everything! Yes it does.
You are not merely His creation, not merely His servant, not merely His child, not merely His friend. You are His lover! His betrothed! The MOST INTIMATE relationship possible is what He wants.
Christians get stuck in one of the lesser kind of relationships and settle there and never realize that there is more more more. We move from creation to servant to child to friend to lover! That is his desire, to become the closest we can with him. It is not something to strive over either. It is falling in love with him because he loves us so much.
He DIED to set your heart free! Not simply to give you a ticket to heaven!
Here and now we can be so free and so whole that it actually seems like heaven. That is what He wants and what the enemy does not want.
Your heart Angel! Your heart is precious and tender and it belongs to Him. He wants to heal all the wounds of the past and make it sing with joy from so much love.
His plan is not just to have you bow to worship him, it’s to walk along side him – to love him and be constantly connected with him.
You are made in his image, and females bare the ‘image’ or imprint of the Holy Spirit. Men bare the imprint image of the masculine part of God. We have our parts in presenting to the world who God is, what he is like, the facets of his personality, his loving and wisdom and courage and adventuresome spirit, etc. I see in you a heart that is so tender and loving. Unmistakably God in there!
Live there!! Here and now, live there. You can do it!