About Me

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Hi I am a Christian, a nurse, the mother of two grown children and two grand daughters, one grandson, and 3 dogs. I love people and have a huge heart. So why am I blogging? Well I've been told that I need to publish my writings. This seemed to be the easiest way to do that. Also, I want to get out there and live life to the fullest. Empty nests are great because now I get to explore the world. I'm starting right here on my computer. So come along with me and as I learn to fly we'll soar together!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

06/13/2012 How to get out of a self imposed cave/prison

As long as I can remember I’ve disliked being around fake people.  I don’t know if it’s because I grew up in the generation that hated ‘plastic people’ or if I was around so many or what.  I just know that, given an option I’ll take real every time.

Also as long as I can remember I’ve had a sense of God in my life.  It never occurred to me not to believe.  My heart has always known that there was someone bigger than what I could see or feel or experience here and now.

Content to be isolated from others that are – for lack of a better word – unacceptable, because they are hiding behind a mask, I found myself feeling alone, yet in deeper places knowing that I was not.  This was my life for most of my 58 years.  So those plastic people..  It occurs to me that underneath a lot of that fake living is a lot of pain: its defensive actions meant to protect their hearts.  Someone recently told me that they just go into their cave.   And I pictured a prison.  Come out, come out, wherever you are! 
What we’ve all lost sight of is that we’ve been lied to from the beginning.  We think that if we hide then we will not hurt.  We believe that pain is bad (and for the majority of relational pain, I almost agree).  So I have use a myriad of ways to hide from it.  So, I believe, has every other heart on planet earth. We live in a world full of shredded wounded pricked stabbed hearts walking around without hope zombie like living hollow lives unconnected because we’ve all succumb to the lies we’ve woven around our hearts for protection. And most of us have never looked back.  So many lies...  So we make prisons, and the reason one is in prison is because we believe the lie.  The lie is not what happened to make you want to go there, it’s the reason your heart came up with in order to justify why it happened.  i.e. I was abused because I was unworthy of love or not good enough, I was molested because I’m only good for sex, I was unloved because I’m unlovable….  Etc.

Children I believe are born with a natural connection to God.  They are selfish and self centered, to be sure, but they have open hearts that trust and they love easily.  A child who is nurtured and taught to love thrives and sees the world as a good place.  They are close to God and see things as it should be.  It is wonderful to see through the eyes of a child.  I think that this is what Jesus meant when he said that we are to become like children, open and honest.  Their minds have not been cluttered with things to worry about, not yet anyway.  But children who are abused learn to hide.  They believe their experience instead of their hearts.  It is one of the saddest things in creation.  To rob a child of their innocence on any level is the cruelest of all things to do.   These children learn quickly to hide in one way or another.  And their experience of life is one of judgment.  They believe that they have been judged and found lacking.  They interpret everything through that filter and unless there is a major intervention they live their entire lives under that assumption.  The physical wounds of abuse go away if they are lucky, but the heart wounds last forever. 

I was one of these, and I know many others.  I think that this is the war that was going on within me, rebellion, reluctance to engage anyone else, anger, pain (monstrous pain), grief, loneliness, and hatred.  All symptoms of the lie I believed.  And I built my life around all of these, but also I had my heart to contend with.  I could not reconcile the pain and loneliness of my life with the knowing I had about God.  So rather than give up Him and who He is/was to me, I hid.  I hid in food, in business, in depression, distraction, you name it.  I’ve spent a lifetime battling myself and trying to make myself into being loveable, yet rebelling because I know that I must be true to who I really am.  And guess what?  It never worked.  Thankfully!  It never worked.  hahaha.  That stubborn enduring powerful deep core within me who refused to give in, I was created to love, my heart would not concede to being untrue.  And it would not concede to abandoning its longing for love.  Yet how much time and energy have I spent being a chameleon, changing to fit?

How then to live?  How to bring these two seemingly opposites together to be one joyful person?  How does one’s heart become mended and whole?  How does one overcome the fear of more and more pain in order to reach for what could put it all right?  How do we go from a core belief of judgment to one of love?
One day not too long ago I found it:  The answer to the puzzle.  I’ve gone through life with this struggle going to and fro between hatred and bliss (mostly on the hatred side but it was directed towards myself.  I believed that I was the problem because that is what abused children believe).  But that day my eyes were opened to truth and indeed it set me free.  Free from that prison I had built for my own protection.  Free from the belief that I would never measure up.  Free from the belief that I would never be loved like my heart demanded.  Free from the struggle to be what I believed others wanted me to be.  Free of the blindness of religious dogma and legalist confines.  Free from judgmental attitudes towards others.  Free to trust my heart to lead me.  Free to love.  Free. 

If you want out I’ll show you how.  When you are finished with the insanity of living in your prison you can choose to go.

How to get out of a self imposed cave/prison:
  1. Unlock the door.
  2. Step out.
Ok that’s extremely simplistic.  But that’s the answer.  If one is aware that they have imprisoned themselves in a cave then one is aware of the reason.  Unlocking the door involves looking at the reason and seeing it for what it really is:  a lie.  Stepping out involves embracing the truth that you are indeed loved.  
In my experience prisons have layers and these steps must be followed each layer one encounters.  
But don’t be afraid.  The monster that has held the key to the door (the lie) is not nearly as scary and big as it was when we hid there.  And we are not alone.  Jesus – who is Truth – is ready and willing to stand with us, in front of us even and hold our hand as we do this.   You see, Jesus came to set the captives free and to heal the broken hearted.  He said so.  This prison was our broken heart and he really does want to heal it. 

When I saw the truth I began the journey to become healed and free.  I did not do or say anything in particular that I recall.  It’s not like a formula.  I simply began to see the truth and then I began to believe it.  Along with believing came hope and faith and love.  And when these occupy one’s heart there is not really any room for lies or anger or hatred.  There is still pain because pain is needful for balance and to give weight to important things.  It is needful to show us the way and keep us safe.  Pain is not the enemy, the lie is.  The father of lies is Satin who wants nothing more than to keep you from being connected to Truth.

And the great news is that I am not alone.  There are others who are making this journey as well.  They have embraced the Truth and are being set free through Jesus love.  He who made the earth and everything in it is so very interested in us.  In our hearts.  He wants nothing more than to shower us with His love and set us free.  People we are needed.  Other captives are suffering and living under the prison of lies they have believed.  We must show them the way.

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